
Where to park

Find car parks in Reading, number of car parking spaces and park and ride sites.

Car parks

See a list of car parks in Reading.

Park and ride

Find out about Reading's 3 park and ride sites and park and ride fares.

Blue Badges

Find out about blue badges, see a blue badge map of parking spaces and apply or renew your blue badge.

Report an illegally parked vehicle

Report nuisance parking including blocking access or traffic and parking in restricted zones without permission.

Motorcycle parking

See a map of designated motorcycle parking locations in Reading.


Find out about parking permit types and charges, apply for, renew, change, transfer or get a refund on a parking permit.

Parking terms and conditions

Learn about parking permit and car parking terms and conditions.

Parking fines and penalty charge notices

Learn about Penalty charge notices and find out what to do if you get one.

Contact Parking Services

If you cannot find the information you need, our Parking Services team may be able to help.