Reading Dusseldorf – 75 years of friendship photo contest


4 themes, 2 towns, 1 competition

To celebrate 75 years of the twinning link with our twin town in Germany we are excited to announce an extra special online photo competition with entries from both Reading and Dusseldorf.

We are asking entrants to submit photos showing the 4 Bs of Reading in an imaginative way as possible. The prize will be a weekend trip to Dusseldorf for two! 

The four themes are Beer, Biscuits, Bulbs and Bricks – we can’t wait to see what ideas you come up with!

What’s it all about?

Reading is famous for its four “Bs”: Beer, Biscuits, Bulbs and Bricks. And we thought it would be great to see photos of the 4 Bs in both Reading and Düsseldorf.

How to participate?

Participants are invited to post their creative photo of the “4 Bs” from Reading under the hashtag #b4friendship using Instagram, Facebook or Twitter.   If you do not have a public profile, you can alternatively send your photo by e-mail to The deadline for applications is Friday 24 June 2022.


The following data protection provisions apply to the “#b4friendship” competition. Please confirm this in writing when sending your picture contribution by e-mail:

By taking part in this photo competition I grant Reading Borough Council the right to use this image.  The photograph may be used in promotional material which appears locally, nationally and worldwide, including and not limited to:

  • In printed materials such as leaflets, posters, newsletters
  • On our website and social media channels such as Facebook and Twitter
  • In the media including press and online
  • In advertising online and in print and on outdoor billboards
  • In partnerships with external organisations

It is common practice for a filmmaker/photographer to showcase their work for example on their website or social media accounts, or in printed portfolios. By taking part in this competition, you are giving consent for your image, name and story to be used as described above. We will keep your details on record for no more than  four  years. The  information will be used in accordance with GDPR  legislation.

Last updated on 22/11/2022