Carers Grant from the Reading & West Berkshire Carers Partnership

Carer’s Grants – where to get help

There are charities and organisations who carers can apply to for a grant to help them maintain their caring role. Usually grants will be for an item of household equipment like a washing machine, or a grant to take part in some training, exercise, driving lessons or for a short break away for instance.

The Carer’s Trust helps carers to find charities that will make carer’s grants.

The Reading and West Berkshire Carers Partnership also has links to charities locally who will make grants for specific purposes, so get in touch with the relevant partner, see below, to find out if we can help.

(the following is taken from the Carer’s Trust website)

If you, or the person you care for, need extra help to pay for something there are many grants, funds, and charities that may be able to help.

Turn2us is a free service that helps people in financial need to access welfare benefits, charitable grants, and other financial help – online, by phone and face to face. The website has a free, easy to use grants search and benefits calculator.

Disability Grants has details of charities and trusts which give out grants to disabled people and their families and carers, here:

How to search for a suitable fund or grant

There is information on charities that support carers and benevolent funds on the Carer’s Trust website. You can also use the Turn2us Grants search – make sure you give as much information as you can so you can find all funds that might be able to help you, and the person you care for.

  • Few people have ‘careers for life’ these days, so think about all the jobs that you have had in your working life. For example, if you served in the Armed Forces years ago it is likely that you will still qualify for help from one of their charitable funds.
  • Think about the trades, industries, or companies you have worked in as some occupational charities give to people who have worked in a particular trade or profession, regardless of the job they have had.
  • Some charities help people with particular surnames or who attended a particular school.

If you don’t find what you want first time, refine your search by adding and removing search criteria. You are likely to see different results.

When you finish your search and get a list of funds that may be able to help you, check you qualify before making an enquiry.

Also search for grants and funds for the person you care for. For example, if you are searching for help for a parent that you care for, search on your details and theirs.

Charities that support carers:

Benevolent Funds:

Free & Discounted TV Licences:


When you are ready to apply

When you have found a grant or fund that might be able to help you, the next step is to make an enquiry or apply. There is more information about this is on the Turn2us guide: How do I make an enquiry or an application to a charitable fund?

  • Gather all the information you might need before you make an application. See Turn2us Grants Search: Information you may need. This might include bank statements, identification, evidence to show your eligibility and details of any benefits you claim.
  • Read the forms and guidance notes carefully to make sure you understand what information you are being asked to provide and include any supporting documentation the fund asks for. It will help speed up the application process if the fund doesn’t have to ask you to supply missing information.
  • Check how the charitable fund likes to receive an enquiry or application. It is no good sending it by email if they want to receive it by post.
  • Give the charitable fund the complete picture about your situation. It is important to answer questions about your personal circumstances and provide documentary evidence where required. Charitable funds only ask for information they need to assess your application and will offer you as much support as possible.

If you need help to fill in the forms, ask the fund if they can support you. You can also ask the Reading & West Berks Carers Partnership for help.

The Reading & West Berkshire Carers Partnership

Caring for a child or adult with a Learning Disability in Reading?

Reading Mencap, for Information & Advice and Carers Assessments in Reading, 21 Alexandra Road, Reading, RG1 5HP, Tel: 0118 926 3600:Email: Website:

Caring for someone 50+ years in Reading?

Age UK Reading, Information & Advice and Carers Assessments in Reading, Walford Hall, Carey Street, Reading, RG1 7JS, Tel: 07716 418 941: Email: Website:

Caring for someone 50+ years in West Berkshire?

Age UK Berkshire: Information & Advice in West Berkshire Unit 119, Broad Street Mall, Reading RG1 7QA, Tel: 0118 950 4242E-mail: Website:

For all other carers in Reading & West Berkshire:

CommuniCare: Information & Advice and, in Reading, Carers Assessments as well.233 Kings Road, Reading, RG1 4LS, Tel: 0118 926 3941:Email: Website:

Last updated on 20/02/2025