Carers come to your home and help you keep safe and well. Complete an assessment.
A period of intensive support and therapy in your own home to help you regain all, or most, of your independence following an illness or injury.
Find out about care and support available when you are discharged from hospital.
Respite care is normally provided to people who have someone in their family, a friend or a neighbour that cares for them on a regular basis and needs a break from their caring role.
Getting out and meeting people during the day can enhance your life. There are plenty of day centres and activity groups around Reading.
Take charge of how you spend the money to best support your care. Find out how to apply for direct payments.
Find out how to become a personal assistant or how to employ one.
Helping residents live independently at home and further information..
Information about extra care sheltered housing.
Becoming a Shared Lives carer is fulfilling and can change the life of a vulnerable adult.
Is a care home the right option for you? Find out about the types of care homes.
Reading Services Guide has a huge amount of up to date information abuot support in the community.
How the council works with care providers.
The charter has 12 dignity in care pledges that care providers in Reading are invited to sign up to.
This sets out the current situation with adult care in the borough, and our vision for the future.