Appealing a financial assessment/deferred payment decision

If you disagree with the outcome of your financial assessment, or a deferred payments/interim funding decision, you should contact our Financial Assessments and Benefits Team (FAB Team) as soon as possible.

We will do all the following:

  •  go though the information with you to check the assessment and decisions have considered all your relevant information in line with the policies
  • discuss with you the parts of the assessment or decision you disagree with
  • note any exceptional expenditure (financial assessment) or circumstances (deferred payments/interim funding) that you believe we should consider

If you are still dissatisfied after discussion with the FAB Team you can lodge an appeal.

Appendix G: Financial Assessment Appeal Request form

You may want to ask for support from an independent local information and advice organisation:

Download and print our flyer on independent local advice on paying for care.

Last updated on 19/02/2025