Reading’s Domestic Abuse Safe Accommodation Strategy 2023-2026

The Domestic Act 2021 requires all local authorities to produce a strategy that focuses on the support needs of victim-survivors of domestic abuse and their children in relation to safe accommodation provision. Reading’s Domestic Abuse Partnership Board has focused the strategy on highlighting the needs of victim-survivors within safe accommodation. This strategy also discusses a more holistic approach outside of the scope of safe accommodation provision to produce a more collaborative and inclusive approach to reducing the prevalence of domestic abuse in Reading for all victim-survivors and their children.

The DA Strategy 2023 – 2026 has been informed by Reading’s Domestic Abuse Needs Assessment, which has been summarised within the strategy document. Alongside this, a public consultation was also launched on the 25th of September 2022, which provided victim-survivors, service users and professionals within Reading the opportunity to express their opinions on the strategy priorities and assess whether the priorities identified were appropriate.

Reading’s Domestic Abuse and Safe Accommodation Strategy has been developed and published to meet statutory duties, however, it is understood that there will be further publications of other national and local legislations within the Domestic Abuse Act 2021. Therefore, this strategy will be reviewed and updated accordingly to reflect any new duties published throughout the duration of this 3-year strategy.

To ensure the strategy priorities and objectives are met, a three-year action plan is being co-developed alongside this strategy. The action plan will have clear objectives and outcomes which will be monitored throughout the 3 years.

Immediate danger to life

  • If you are in immediate danger, call 999 and ask for the police

Further Support

Find domestic abuse support

Men’s Advice Line

Women’s Aid Survivor’s Handbook

Last updated on 19/02/2025