Report abuse
Call 999 if you think a crime has been committed or someone is in immediate danger.
What is abuse?
Examples of abuse include:
- not caring for someone properly (neglect)
- pressuring someone to give away money or property
- psychological (for example threats, harassment or forcing someone to live somewhere they don’t want to)
- physical (for example violence)
- sexual
- modern slavery
More information on types and signs of abuse.
How to report the abuse of an adult
You can report the abuse of an adult to us. We call this a safeguarding concern.
Contact information
Contact centre office hours
0118 937 3747
Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.
Out of hours office service
This service is for emergencies only.
01344 351 999
5pm to 9am
All day at weekends and bank holidays.
Person in Position of Trust (PiPOT)
The focus of safeguarding adults work is to ensure the safety of adults with care and support needs. But, there are times when a person in a position of trust may pose a risk to someone.
Examples of such concerns could include that someone has:
- behaved in a way that has harmed or may have harmed an adult or child
- committed a criminal offence against, or related to, an adult or child
- behaved towards an adult or child in a way that indicates they may pose a risk of harm to adults with care and support needs.
An employer (or student body or voluntary organisation) should assess any potential risk to adults with care and support needs if they receive a report of such a concern. If they find the report to be true, they should take action to safeguard the adults at risk.
If the person at risk is in the care of the local authority, you should report it to them.
What happens after you report a safeguarding concern?
Every safeguarding concern about abuse of an adult at risk is taken seriously.
Depending on the nature of your safeguarding concern, various teams may become involved. The most appropriate team relating to the concerns you have raised will take a further look into the situation, and you can be assured that it is being taken seriously and followed up.
In some circumstances, we may not be able to share further information on the progress or outcome with you. Each situation is different and we will consider the person at risk or their representative’s wishes and proportionate, appropriate information sharing in order to keep people safe.