Safeguarding Adults Partnership Board (SAB)

The West of Berkshire Safeguarding Adults Partnership Board (SAB) covers the Local Authority areas of Reading, West Berkshire and Wokingham. The SAB is made up of local organisations that work together to protect adults with care and support needs at risk of abuse or neglect. Mandatory partners on the SAB are the local councils, Berkshire West Clinical Commissioning Group and Thames Valley Police. Other organisations are represented on the SAB such as health services, fire and rescue service, ambulance service, Healthwatch, probation and the voluntary sector. 

The SAB work together to ensure there are systems in place to keep adults at risk in the west of Berkshire safe. They hold partner agencies to account to ensure they are safeguarding adults at risk and promoting their wellbeing. We work to ensure local organisations focus on outcomes, performance, learning and engagement.

For more information see:

West of Berkshire Safeguarding Adults Board website

Berkshire Adults Safeguarding policy and procedures

Last updated on 19/02/2025