What happens after I report abuse of an adult?
Upon receiving a safeguarding concern, adult social care will:
- gather as much information as possible from the person that reported the safeguarding concern, the adult concerned and look at any previous records
- decide if the concerns raised require a full enquiry or not, based on the information received
- seek consent from the adult (where possible and safe to do so) before starting a full enquiry. If other people are at risk, consent may not be required to continue the full enquiry or the person is at very high risk of abuse and harm
- give you/the person that reported the safeguarding concern feedback, regardless of whether they choose to carry out an enquiry or not
- ask the adult concerned or their families what they want to get from the enquiry
- consider other processes like a social care or carers assessment or signpost to other agencies if an enquiry is not pursued
How to report the abuse of an adult
You can report the abuse of an adult to Reading Borough Council. We call this a safeguarding concern.
If you feel the person is in immediate danger, dial 999.
Safeguarding is everyone’s business
Adults live in community settings, and it is important that safeguarding is everyone’s business. Community safety is essential in our decision-making, and Reading Borough Council has a wide range of services to help make our communities safer. Wherever you live or work in Reading, if you have concerns about an adult at risk, please report the incident to adult social care.
Making safeguarding personal
The Care Act 2014 puts adults at risk at the centre of all decision-making and ensures that their wishes and feelings are considered and that their desired goals and outcomes are recognised.
The Care Act defines an ‘adult at risk’ as any person who is aged 18 years or over, and at risk of abuse or neglect because of their needs for care and/or support.
Each local authority has a duty to carry out enquiries for adults at risk meeting these criteria. They also have the discretion to carry out an enquiry if they think it’s necessary based on the information presented to them.
Disability, illness or frailty means that many adults over the age of 18 must rely on other people to help them in their day-to-day living. Sadly, it is because they must depend on others that they may become vulnerable and at risk of abuse, very often from people they know such as a relative, friend, neighbour or paid carer.
We believe that every adult has the right to be treated with dignity, have their choices respected and live a life free from fear.