Community Health Champions

What is a Community Health Champion?

Community Health Champions are people who live in Reading and help their community by making sure everyone knows about important health information, services, and activities. They also listen to feedback from others about how to make things better for everyone’s health.

Who can be a Community Health Champion?

This is a voluntary job. Anyone who lives in the area can become a Community Health Champion. It doesn’t matter if you’re a young adult, older person, parent, someone who doesn’t work, or someone who does work. If you want to make your community better, this is a fantastic chance for you!

Some benefits to becoming a Community Health Champion

This is a great chance for you to help your community by giving them helpful health tips based on facts. You’ll get to meet other Community Health Champions and connect with different organisations. Being part of this program means you can help people and communities find the right services for their health needs.

You will receive training, certificates and ongoing support to carry out your role. This could help you in your future career.

As a Community Health Champion, you will be invited to health and wellbeing events in your area.

Role description

You may:

  • help signpost health evidence-based information or advice that is NHS approved or Public Health approved
  • ensure that residents in Reading are aware of, knowledgeable about and up to speed on the information, services and activities that are important for their health and wellbeing
  • build the confidence, knowledge, skills and capacity of local people
  • sharing learning with other Community Health Champions
  • attend or host health workshops to share information or take part in promotional activities

You won’t have to:

  • give medical advice to residents
  • act as a health expert or enforce health measures or opinions

Once you have completed the registration form, the next step is to book your short training session. You can complete the registration form below and a member of the Community Health Champion team will contact you to book your training.

Last updated on 19/02/2025