NHS health checks
The NHS Health Check programme is a national preventative initiative, providing a free check-up of your overall health. Aimed at people aged 40 – 74 yrs without an existing health condition, it can tell you if you are a high risk of getting certain health problems including:
- Heart disease
- Stroke
- Diabetes
- Kidney Disease
During the check-up you will discuss how to reduce your risk of these conditions, including changes to your lifestyle and/or any medications you may need. If you are aged 65 yrs and over you will also be told about the symptoms of dementia to look out for.
The NHS Health Check programme in Reading
Since 2013, the majority of NHS Health Checks in Reading are being carried out by GPs in surgeries, with eligible patients being invited for a Check every five years.
Thanks to funding from the Berkshire West, Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Integrated Care Board (BOB ICB), Reading has been able to expand the NHS Health Check programme to prioritise those residents aged 18 yrs and over who are at highest risk of poor cardiovascular health.
We launched the Community Wellness Outreach project in December 2023, with NHS Health Checks being delivered by qualified nurses from the Royal Berkshire Hospital “Meet PEET” team, working in partnership with voluntary sector colleagues in Reading Voluntary Action.
The Community Wellness Outreach team offer bookable slots at a range of convenient venues across the borough as well as a drop-in service. More information about Community Wellness Outreach on the Reading Voluntary Action (rva.org.uk) website.