Claiming Housing Benefit and /or Council Tax Support

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The office for claiming Housing Benefit and Council Tax Support is: Benefits Team, Reading Borough Council, Civic Offices, Reading RG1 2LU.

Claiming Housing Benefit

If you claim or receive Universal Credit, any eligible housing costs will be paid by the Department for Work and Pensions.

Housing Benefit can still be claimed if you meet any of the following conditions:

  • you live in homelessness accommodation provided by the council
  • you live in a domestic violence refuge
  • you live in accommodation provided by a ‘not for profit’ landlord where you receive care, support or supervision
  • you are a single person of pension age
  • you and your partner are both of pension age

If you believe you are eligible, you can make a Housing Benefit claim. If we approve your claim, we will set up an online account.

You should check our Better Off calculator to see if you could claim any other benefits or financial support.

If you rent from a private landlord or agency, the amount of Housing Benefit we can allow is limited by:

Claiming Council Tax Support

If you believe you are eligible for help towards your Council Tax bill, you can make an application. If you are not sure whether you are entitled you should do so anyway, so that we can check.

Working Age Council Tax Support usually starts the Monday following the date we receive the application. This means it is important you apply straight away.

If we approve your application, we will set up an online account.

Any Council Tax Support will be deducted from your Council Tax bill.

Council Tax Reduction Scheme 2024-25

People already getting Housing Benefit

If you already receive Housing Benefit and wish to apply for Council Tax Support, you can complete the Council Tax support application.

Please note that this form is only for people already getting Housing Benefit. This is because we use the information already held to assess Council Tax Support.

Last updated on 27/11/2024