Representations for a licence application

There are several important things you should consider when making a representation. 

Your representation should be evidence based and will only be taken into account if it is considered to be relevant. It must relate to one or more of the four licensing objectives listed below:

  • prevention of crime and disorder
  • public safety
  • protection of children from harm
  • prevention of public nuisance

Your representation must also:

  • include your full name and address (without this your representation will be rejected)
  • be made in writing
  • be received within 28 days of the date the application was made

Representations will be rejected if they are considered to be frivolous, vexatious or repetitive.

After you’ve made a representation

Copies of all representations, including your personal details, will be supplied to the applicant. Personal details will also be included in documents made available to the public, for a hearing conducted by the licensing panel.

By law, we are expected to include your personal details in the documents. These can be viewed by the applicant and the public when published on the council website.

In exceptional circumstances, the person making a representation to the licensing authority may not want to do so because of fears of intimidation or violence if the applicant receives their personal details. If the licensing authority agree that this is a genuine concern, alternative approaches will be considered and discussed with you. If you would like to request that your representation is redacted and anonymised for public viewing, please contact

Please note: the councillor and officers involved will still know your personal information. The press may also include your details in any articles they publish in relation to the matter you are giving a representation on.

Last updated on 26/11/2024