Taxi payments

Driver licence fees – new and renewal
Licence type Fee
Hackney carriage £328
Private hire £319
School transport £240

DBS fee: £57.90

Vehicle licence fees
Vehicle type New or renewal Transfer Change registration
Hackney carriage £336 £52 £58
Private hire £315 £52 £58
Executive private hire £352 £52 £58
School transport £100 £48 £58
Private hire operator – grant of licence
Number of vehicles One year 5 years
Each additional applicant £245 £245
1-3 £806 £2,125
4-10 £1,292 £3,150
11-40 £2,572 £8,020
41-100 £4,314 £15,241
101+ £5,181 £18,851
Private hire operator – renewal of licence
Number of vehicles One year 5 years
Each additional applicant £185 £185
1-3 £561 £2,065
4-10 £892 £3,092
11-40 £1,977 £7,917
41-100 £3,583 £15,191
101+ £4,333 £18,730
School transport operator – grant of licence
Number of vehicles One year 5 years
Each additional applicant £245 £245
1-3 £445 £1,245
4-10 £836 £2,324
11-40 £1,727 £4,955
41-100 £2,251 £6,763
101+ £3,141 £10,351
School transport operator – renewal of licence
Number of vehicles One year 5 years
Each additional applicant £145 £145
1-3 £345 £1,145
4-10 £570 £2,058
11-40 £1,132 £4,620
41-100 £1,513 £6,333
101+ £2,290 £9,890
Miscellaneous payments

To make a part payment, use the miscellaneous licensing payment form. You may need to do this if you change your vehicle mid-licence.

Refund policy

We will refund some of your application fee if your application is unsuccessful. Costs can depend on how far through the process your application has gone. If you withdraw or we refuse you application:

  • before the process has started – the fee will be 15% or £70, whichever is greater
  • after the process has started – the fee will be 30% or £140, whichever is greater

If your application goes to a committee hearing and is unsuccessful – the fee is 50% or £280, whichever is greater.

For 3 year driver licences surrendered before expiry – we will base refund on whole months left to run. This means a refund of at most the cost of the licence minus £140.

  • Vehicle licences surrendered before they expire will get a refund: based on the number of full months left on the licence from the issue date up to a maximum of six (6) months, and less a £35 administration fee.

Our policy states that we will refund at most £500.

All other refunds will have a £35 administration charge. We will take this from the total refund amount. If you decide to hold the full credit against your account there is no administrative charge.

Last updated on 25/02/2025