Safeguarding Adults Level 2: Assessment and Planning

This is a one day course delivered online over two half-days. You must apply for both sessions for one course. You cannot “mix and match” across course dates as the trainer will adapt delivery per course to meet learners’ needs, so the close of Day 1 it will not always be at the same place in the programme. On applying you must commit to attend both sessions.  If you do not complete both sessions this will be regarded as non-attendance and our cancellation policy will apply.


Dawn Revell

Target Group

Multi-agency staff who work on, or lead in, the assessment and/or inquiry into safeguarding adults alerts. We expect managers of provider services to attend this course to understand procedures and their role to refer.

Delegates must have completed Level 1 Awareness Training and be aware of the key principles of the Mental Capacity Act 2005.

Course Aims

To offer a full working knowledge of the Berkshire Multi-Agency Policy and Procedures for Protection of Vulnerable Adults from Abuse and one’s role in considering safeguarding alerts.

Course Outcomes

At the end of the course delegates will be able to:

  • Review and expand on skills and knowledge from Level 1 training including definitions of abuse, identifying abusive situations and links to poor practice
  • Assess when to use the procedures
  • Involve vulnerable adults and carers in a suitable way during the process including use of Independent Mental Capacity Advocates where fitting
  • Describe the stages and their role in the safeguarding process
  • Use a referral form, prepare a report of an investigation and record information
  • Identify their own role and the role of others in investigating allegations of abuse and the importance of keeping evidence
  • Evidence capacity and consent in relation to the Mental Capacity Act (2005)
  • Show knowledge of the legal framework including Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards
  • Identify the limits of discretion and how to use the Information Sharing Protocol

Apply for this training

Last updated on 05/10/2020