Manual Handing – Train the Trainer (inanimate objects)
This course is designed to give learners the skills and knowledge to train others in the workplace on the best practice when manual handling inanimate objects; including how to carry out the 6 point lift.
This course will assist you to:
- Gain knowledge of important manual handling issues and risks and principles of safe handling
- Put the principals learned into practice during manual handling activities
- Be able to apply ergonomic principles to the workplace and appreciate correct posture
- Be able to describe the function of the spine, and how unsafe manual handling techniques can lead to acute and cumulative injuries.
- Be able to recognise manual handling hazards within the workplace and have an understanding and be able to carry out Manual Handling risk assessments and understand safe systems of work
- Be competent in delivering appropriate manual handling kinetic 6 point lift training to staff in their own work area
Please note: You are required to have completed the Health and Safety level 2 training before attending this course. Completion of this course requires you demonstrate the manual handling process, please wear suitable shoes and clothing to do so. You will be require to complete a health questionnaire before attending the session. This training is delivered by the Corporate Health and Safety Team in a classroom setting.
Last updated on 21/09/2023
Manual Handing – Train the Trainer (inanimate objects)