by post addressed to the FOI.Customer Relations Team, Civic Offices, Bridge Street, Reading, RG1 2LU
social media
if you experience any issues using the above methods, please contact us by email at
Before submitting a new freedom of information request, you should check our Publication Scheme to find out whether we’ve published the information you’re looking for before.
If you make a request, you need to include:
your name and an address for correspondence. If possible please provide an email address as this will allow us to provide a faster response.
what information is required
We will then tell you in writing whether or not we hold the information you have asked for. If we do, we will either:
provide you with the information, in the format of your choice (where possible)
or tell you if any exemptions apply meaning we can’t provide it.
Withheld information
There are certain exemptions that can be used as justification to withhold information. These include things like if releasing the information would breach the data protection legislation, would prejudice an ongoing court case or would hinder the prevention or detection of crime.
We will tell you why we are not providing the information you have asked for, which exemption applies and how you can get our decision to be internally reviewed. If you request an internal review of your original response you will receive a response from an Independent Officer (appointed by the Assistant Director of Legal & Democratic Services) within the statutory deadline of 20 working days.
Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire
Fair Processing Notice
The personal data you provide to us in making a request under the FOI Act is stored on our secure system, and only accessed using encrypted devices.
Any personal data in your request is processed internally and shared between the relevant internal departments in order to provide you with a tailored response. Occasionally, the request will be shared with our commercial partners where the information requested is governed by a contract, or with other public authorities in the case of “round robin” requests.
Publication scheme
This outlines the information we make available and covers: