Manage your Council Tax account online

To manage your Council Tax online, you need to log in or register for a Council Tax account. The account is simple to use, will save you time and gives you greater control of your bills and payments.

The account is used for Council Tax, housing benefits and Council Tax Support. You do not need an account to pay your bill but it allows you to:

  • view or update your account information
  • check your balance, payments, bills, and recovery notices
  • manage your paperless billing options
  • update your contact details
  • manage payment arrangements
  • set up or amend a direct debit
  • apply for a single person’s discount

Manage your Council Tax account – frequently asked questions

When you get an email saying your bill is ready, you will need to register for an account. You can do this using the blue login button above.

I am new to the borough, how do I register for Council Tax on my account?

Complete the change of address form to tell us you have moved in or out. When you have received your Council Tax account number you can then register for your account.

What information do I need to register?

You will need an email account and your Council Tax account number.

Where do I find my Council Tax account number?

You can find your Council Tax account number on the top left corner of your Council Tax bill, under ‘Your Account Number’. If you have been set up for e-billing, you will receive your Council Tax account number by email with the link to sign in/register.

Why can’t I verify my account?

We may not hold enough information to verify you. Please request a PIN when registering for your account to enable access to your Council Tax information.

How will I get my PIN?

We will email or post your PIN to you depending on the contact information we hold. This may take up to 5 working days.

Why can’t you email me my bill?

We need you to log in and view your bill for data security purposes.

What should I do if I have forgotten the password for my existing account?

You should reset your password.

What should I do if I no longer use the email account I set my account up with?

You will need to set up a new account and follow the steps to register for our online portal.

What should I do if I cannot find my Council Tax account number?

Please email us at or call 0118 937 3727 9am to 5pm.

Our Council Tax account is in more than one name, can I register for an account?

Yes, each person named on the bill can register separately. On the Council Tax registration screen, enter just your own name exactly as it appears n the Council Tax bill.

Can I register for more than one Council Tax account?

Yes, once you have registered to gain online access to one Council Tax account, you’ll find a link to subscribe to another account.

I have requested a password reset but not received an email

It is likely that the email address you are using is not yet registered, please register using the button at the top of this page.

Last updated on 18/06/2024