This page provides information about the process and things to keep in mind when giving notice that you are leaving your council property.
Giving notice that you are leaving your property
You are required to give 4 weeks’ full written notice starting on a Monday. Please print and complete the below form and return to the Civic Offices reception for the attention of the Voids Team or via signed for post to:
Voids Team
Civic Offices
Bridge Street
If you are unable to print the form, please request a copy by emailing
Moving out checklist
On leaving your council property there are a number of areas to consider. Please read the checklist below to ensure you are able to plan ahead and prevent any costs being recharged to you.
Under the terms of your Tenancy Agreement you are required to leave your property clean, clear and in a good state of repair when you move out. If you do not leave your property in an acceptable condition we will put things right and recharge our costs to you.
Please make sure you read this information carefully to avoid being charged for outstanding work.
You must ensure ALL rooms are cleaned to a good standard, ensuring all walls flooring and skirting boards have been thoroughly washed down, insides of cupboards, sanitary fittings (toilet, bath, basins, sinks) are hygienically left and windows have no smears or marks. The property MUST be hoovered throughout and all rubbish disposed of.
You MUST remove all furniture. You MUST remove all carpets, grippers, staples, lino and general flooring. You MUST remove all lampshades, curtain poles, shelving and cabinets.
You MUST replace any light fittings you have changed with standard fittings. This work must be carried out by a NICEIC registered electrician and certificates provided. All internal doors must be in good order; any that have been removed MUST be replaced.
You MUST have your gas cooker disconnected by a registered gas engineer and remove all fridges, washing machines, cookers etc appropriately.
You MUST clean the bathroom thoroughly and remove any additional cabinets or shelving. All fans should be in working order.
You MUST ensure all furniture and carpet is removed, any cupboards are cleared and windows are cleaned.
You MUST completely clear all items, and any satellite dishes need to be removed and any holes made good.
You MUST take down and dispose of any out-buildings, sheds and lean-tos. All toys, swings, bikes, garden furniture and pots MUST be removed, any ponds filled and levelled, any trees and bushes you are responsible should be cut back and all gardens mowed and hedges left tidy. Patio areas that are deemed trip hazards will be removed and recharged.
Balconies MUST be left clean and cleared.
You MUST remove all wall hangings and fill and make good any holes as a result of decoration to your home. Where we are required to redecorate after you leave you will be recharged.
You MUST ensure that your rent account is clear and up to date, unless any agreement has been made, otherwise you may be prevented from moving until this has been cleared.
You MUST ensure you take all pets with you on leaving, and any treatment required for fleas has been completed, otherwise you will be recharged.
You MUST ensure you provide any lodgers you have with a valid and legal notice. Please contact the Housing Advice Service for information depending on your circumstances.
If the Council are not satisfied that the works above have been carried out to a good standard, your moving application may be sanctioned, reducing your banding to a No Priority for Housing banding until Tenant Services agree otherwise.
We will need to complete a pre-termination visit to inspect your property when you apply to move. All repairs will be identified, and should any sanctions be put in place as a result you will be fully advised of what to do to remove it, and a further appointment will be made to re-inspect with your agreement.
ALL keys to your property including shed keys, bins stores and window keys should be returned to:
Civic Offices,
Bridge Street,
by 4pm on the day that your tenancy ends, or as advised by Housing. It is your responsibility to ensure this happens, otherwise your rent will continue to be charged until they are returned.
You will be asked to complete a form to confirm you authorise the council to dispose of any goods that you leave behind, which will result in a charge to you if you do not clear the property yourself, and that you agree to pay for any work that we have to do to clean or clear the property.
If you do not sign the form to confirm the Council may dispose of any left items, we are obliged to store any remaining goods for one month, this cost will be recharged to you and is expensive to transport (between £400-£800 depending on size of property and amount of belongings left), inventory (£75) and to store (£110 per month).