Property condition surveys
Every 5 years we carry out a survey of our properties. We want to know about the age and condition of various components in the properties. This includes kitchen, bathroom, doors and windows. We use this information to create our improvement programme.
We are using a contractor, Ridge & Partners LLP, to carry out these surveys. If you live in a council property you may get a letter informing you about they survey, followed by a visit from them. The visits will normally be Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm. They will have a Ridge & Partners photo identification card and a letter of authority. If you are not home when a surveyor calls, they will leave a card asking you to make an appointment.
The survey should take no more than 45 minutes and will include an inspection inside and outside. If you have a nervous or excitable pet, please put them in a different room while the survey is being carried out.
Further information
What is a condition survey?
A condition survey is a visual inspection of the fixtures and fittings, such as kitchens, bathrooms, roofs, windows, doors, etc.
Do I need to let the surveyor in?
Yes, as the landlord we need to access our property from time to time so that we can make sure your home is safe, and to plan for future investment in your home. Ridge & Partners staff are trained to minimise any disruption to you. They will be polite and will respect your social distance.
Do I need to call anyone now, or to make an appointment?
No, Ridge will call at your home. If you are not in they will leave a card with contact details.
Will I know when the surveyor is calling?
Our surveyors will be carrying out many surveys in your area and will normally visit within 2 months of the notification letter. Advance appointments are not available and there is no need to make contact in advance of the surveyor’s first visit.
What happens if I am not home when the surveyor calls?
Our surveyors will knock to see if you are at home. If you are not home they will leave a card with their contact details inviting you to make a follow up appointment. They will then visit again anyway on up to 2 further occasions.
Where will the surveyor need access to?
The surveyor will need access to all rooms – downstairs and upstairs, cellars, roof spaces, gardens and external boundaries. They are looking at the condition of the property, not at how clean and tidy it is.
I have pets, do I need to remove them from my home during the survey?
While our surveyors can work with pets present in the property, we would appreciate that if they are excitable or nervous, they are put in a separate room to reduce the stress to the pet.
How long will the survey take?
The length of inspection will vary depending on the size of the property. In most cases the survey will take less than an hour.
Will you take photographs?
Yes, we need to take some photos. These will be of certain components and any hazards that may need urgent attention.
Does this mean I will get maintenance and improvement works straightaway?
Not necessarily. Once all the surveys are completed, the data will be used to help us plan for future maintenance and improvement programmes.
Can I report repairs and housing management issues to the surveyor?
No. The surveyors are trained to collect all necessary data for planned maintenance in a consistent manner. They will not collect data about minor repairs (such as leaking taps) and are not trained to assist you with housing management questions. These should be notified to us as landlord in the usual manner.