
Damp and mould

Information about identifying, avoiding and dealing with damp and mould.

Private rented housing

Information about where to look for a rented property, different types of tenancies available and the potential costs involved.

Know your rights and responsibilities as a tenant

A guide to your rights and responsibilities as a tenant.

Safety standards in rented properties

Information about gas, electrical and fire safety standards in rented properties.

Repairs and maintenance

Outline of landlord responsibilities for the upkeep and maintenance of rental properties.

Deposit protection schemes (DPS)

View information about government approved deposit protection schemes and how to check that your deposit has been secured.

Rent Guarantee Scheme (RGS)

The RGS helps those who are homeless or at risk of homelessness to access affordable private rented accommodation.

Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs)

Information about HMO regulations and how to check if a property has an HMO licence.