Know your rights and responsibilities as a tenant

3 min read

This page outlines your rights and responsibilities as a tenant of a privately rented home.

Your rights

  • Know the terms of your tenancy agreement
  • Know your landlord’s name and address
  • Live in a property that’s safe and in a good state of repair
  • 24 hours’ notice if the landlord wants to visit your property
  • Notice if your landlord wants you to leave the property altogether; your landlord may be acting illegally if they try to evict you

Your responsibilities

  • Pay your bills and rent on time
  • Report repairs to your landlord as soon as possible
  • Don’t deliberately or negligently cause damage to the property
  • Ensure you are heating and ventilating the property effectively
  • Don’t make any changes to the property without your landlord’s permission
  • Take care of the garden if the tenancy agreement says it’s your responsibility
  • Make sure your guests do not break your tenancy agreement
  • Don’t allow illegal activity to take place in the property
  • Don’t make a lot of noise

Please see the below guides for further information on renting privately, tenancy deposits and utility charges:

RBC Guide to Renting Privately

RBC Guidance for Tenants_Deposit Protection and Disputes

RBC Guidance for Tenants on Utility Charges

For more information on private renting please refer to the government guide on How to Rent- the checklist for renting in England.

Last updated on 28/05/2024