Housing adaptations and grants

This page provides information about the different grants and loans available to assist residents who need adaptations in order to remain independent and cared for in their home.

The grants and loans are available to property owners, leaseholders, private tenants and landlords and housing associations. Council tenants should contact their Housing Manager for further advice.

Please note we do not provide portable or non-fixed equipment, blue badges or disabled bays. You can visit our Reading Services Guide to find out how to contact the relevant service.

On this page:

Disabled Facilities Grant

What is it for?

The Disabled Facilities Grant is available to carry out adaptations to give the disabled person better freedom of movement into and around their home. This could include:

  • works to make it easier to get into and out of your home, for example by widening doors or putting in ramps
  • work to make access easier to the living room, bedroom, kitchen and bathroom for example by putting in a stair lift or a floor lift
  • providing suitable bathroom facilities such as over bath showers or replacing a bath with a level access shower
  • providing suitable kitchen facilities at wheelchair height so that you can use the facilities independently
  • works and/or fixed equipment for people with sensory impairments, for example smoke alarms for those with hearing loss
  • works and/or fixed equipment for people with sensory or developmental needs, for example safety locks
  • improving or adapting heating or lighting controls and systems to make them easier to use
  • improving access and movement around your home so that you can care for someone who lives with you

You can carry out a self assessment via this link to see how suitable your current home is for you needs by visiting Adapt My Home.

Who is it for?

  • disabled owner-occupiers, private tenants, housing association tenants, and some lessees (tenants must have their landlord’s permission to carry out the work)
  • any of the above who has a disabled person living in their home can apply on behalf of the disabled person.
  • a parent or guardian of a child with a disability can apply, if the child is under 18 years old
  • a landlord can apply on behalf of a disabled tenant

How it works

Your functional needs will usually be assessed by an Occupational Therapist (OT). The OT will talk to you about any difficulties you might have around your home, for example, being able to use essential facilities such as the WC, keeping yourself clean, getting to your bedroom.

They will first look at alternatives such as the provision of equipment or maybe discuss with you how you might do things differently. It may be that alternative accommodation should be considered. If those solutions will not meet your needs they will discuss what adaptation(s) might help you overcome your difficulties.

If the OT decides that an adaptation is the best solution for you, they will send a referral to the Housing Adaptations & Grants Team (HA&G) for the recommended works, these are referred to as “eligible works”. 

The referral will be assessed by the HA&G Team to ensure they are eligible for funding. Works must be:

  • necessary and appropriate to meet your needs
  • reasonable and practical depending on the age and condition of the property
  • based on need, not what is desirable – this may mean adapting shared facilities (such as bathrooms) to meet the needs of the disabled person

We can offer you an Agency Service to handle your application, obtain quotes and supervise works on your behalf.

How much can you get?

“>The maximum grant is £30,000 towards the cost of the eligible works. Discretionary loans may be available for eligible works which cost more than this.

The grant is means tested, so your income and savings are assessed to ensure that financial aid goes to people most in need. If you receive certain benefits, or your application is for a disabled child or young person, there is no means test. You can do your own means test here.

If you have a contribution that you feel you cannot afford then we may be able to offer you a grant to cover it. We will discuss this with you when you make your application.

What you should be aware of

  • you must NOT start any works until you have received formal written approval from us.
  • the disabled person must intend to live in the property for the next 5 years if you are a tenant or 10 years if you are an owner-occupier
  • if you are a property owner (including landlords), the local authority will place a charge on your property for a period of 10 years. This may not be the full amount of the grant and this will be discussed with you in detail
  • in certain circumstances, the grant may have to be paid back if the property is sold or transferred within 10 years of the works being completed

How to apply

In the first instance, contact Adult Social Care or Brighter Futures for Children. They will take some information from you and refer you to an OT (if appropriate) who will contact you and arrange a full functional assessment.

Other forms of Disabled Facilities Grant assistance

Top-up Loan – Disabled Facilities Grant
What it is for?
This loan helps to fund the cost of grant eligible works which are over £30,000.

Who it is for?

How much can you get?
Up to £30,000 towards the cost of the grant eligible works. The loan is means tested unless you are in receipt of certain benefits. The means test will be carried out on the property owner and any partner. Any savings above £23,250 would be put towards the cost of the grant eligible works. We can offer you an Agency Service to handle your application, obtain quotes and supervise works on your behalf.

What you should be aware of
The full amount of the loan will be registered as a charge against the property and reclaimed whenever the property is sold.

How to apply
Once you have made an application for a Disabled Facilities Grant, we will assess which works are eligible for grant aid. If the eligible works are above £30,000, we will let you know that you can apply for a Top-Up loan.
Alternative Works – Disabled Facilities Grant
What it is for?
Funding towards adaptations works which are different, or in excess of, those which have been assessed to meet your needs. For example, if you have been recommended to install a stairlift and adapt a bathroom on the first floor, but you prefer to expand your home to create these facilities on the ground floor.

Who it is for?
Anyone who is eligible to apply for a Disabled Facilities Grant.

How it works
We may fund the cost of the works which would have been eligible for grant aid. You can then put this funding towards the cost of an alternate scheme which will provide the relevant person with access to facilities as agreed by the OT and HA&G Team. For example, if the eligible works are to adapt an upstairs bathroom and install a stairlift but you want to build an extension to provide the facilities on the ground floor, we would contribute the cost of the bathroom adaptations and the stairlift towards your extension.
Please note that we do not offer an Agency Service for alternative works.

How much can you get?
We will detail the works which would have attracted grant aid and the costs associated with them. This will determine the amount of funding you could receive towards your chosen scheme.

What you should be aware of
This grant has the same eligibility criteria and conditions as a Disabled Facilities Grant.

How to apply
The application process is the same as a Disabled Facilities Grant.
Nil Grant
Who it is for?
Anyone who is eligible to apply for a Disabled Facilities Grant, where the result of your means test is such that your contribution is equal to or likely to exceed the cost of the grant eligible works.

How it works
You will need to apply for a Disabled Facilities Grant as described above but you will not receive any grant funding.
The amount you pay for the eligible works to be carried out will be deducted from any future application for adaptations received within 10 years (5 years for a tenant’s application).

What you should be aware of
The future applications must relate to works recommended by an Occupational Therapist of other Healthcare provider.

Other grants for people with health conditions or impairments

There are other grants available for property adaptations for disabled people. See more information below.

Fastrack Grants for Fixed Equipment
What it is for?
  • stairlifts, hoists and other fixed equipment which would have been eligible for a Disabled Facilities Grant
  • fixed equipment necessary to meet sensory needs
  • an extended warranty at the time of installation
Who it is for?
  • disabled owner-occupiers, private tenants, housing association tenants, and some lessees (tenants must have their landlord’s permission to carry out the work)
  • any of the above who has a disabled person living in their home can apply on behalf of the disabled person
  • a parent or guardian of a child with a disability can apply, if the child is under 18 years old
  • a landlord can apply on behalf of a disabled tenant
How it works

Your Occupational Therapist will assess your needs and request a quote from one of our suppliers on your behalf. Your application will be processed by either the Housing Adaptations & Grants Team, Adult Social Care, or Brighter Futures for Children.

How much can you get?

The grant will cover the reasonable cost of the necessary equipment.

What you should be aware of

There is no means test for this grant. The disabled person must intend to remain in the property for 5 years.

How to apply In the first instance, contact Adult Social Care or Brighter Futures for Children. They will take some information from you and refer you to an OT if appropriate who will contact you and arrange a full functional assessment.
Health & Well-Being at Home Grant 
What it is for?

This grant is for works to:

  • make the property safe and accessible for hospital discharge
  • works to enable an applicant to manage their health and well-being in their own home
  • works to support access to the community for essential health appointments to prevent deterioration of health conditions
  • works to reduce admission to long term care and avoid hospital admissions
It may also include:
  • deep clean, declutter of essential rooms, repair/replacement of boiler, and small adaptations such as ramps and rails
  • works related to sensory needs such as small areas of safety padding, minor hygiene equipment (bio-bidets etc) to avoid risks of severe infections or injuries which could lead to hospitalisation
Who it is for?
  • disabled owner-occupiers, private tenants, housing association tenants, and some lessees (tenants must have their landlord’s permission to carry out the work)
  • any of the above who has a disabled person living in their home can apply on behalf of the disabled person
  • a parent or guardian of a child with a disability can apply, if the child is under 18 years old
  • a landlord can apply on behalf of a disabled tenant
How it works

You will usually be referred to us by an OT, Hospital Discharge Team, Social Worker, or other Healthcare professional. We will work with them to obtain estimates and arrange the necessary works.

How much can you get?

Up to £5000 towards the cost of the necessary works.

What you should be aware of

There is no means test but you cannot make an application for similar works or services for 5 years from completion of works. On-going support measures must be in place where relevant.

How to apply

If you do not already have a Healthcare Worker assisting, you can contact Adult Social Care or Brighter Futures for Children.

What it is for?
Renewing an extended or standard warranties for stairlifts, ceiling track hoists and other fixed equipment.

Who it is for?
  • disabled owner-occupiers, private tenants, housing association tenants, and some lessees (tenants must have their landlord’s permission to carry out the work)
  • any of the above who has a disabled person living in their home can apply on behalf of the disabled person
  • a parent or guardian of a child with a disability can apply, if the child is under 18 years old
  • a landlord can apply on behalf of a disabled tenant
How it works

The grant is means tested unless the warranty is for the benefit of a child, young person or you are in receipt of an income related benefit.

How much can you get?

The reasonable cost of the warranty to cover a period of between 1-5 years.

What you should be aware of

Equipment must have been installed under a grant by the HA&G Team.

How to apply

Contact the Housing Adaptations & Grants Team on 0118 937 2562 or by emailing adaptations.grants@reading.gov.uk.

Minor Adaptations

What it is for?

Simple adaptations, such as rails, steps and ramps costing under £1000.

Who it is for?

  • disabled owner-occupiers, private tenants, housing association tenants, and some lessees (tenants must have their landlord’s permission to carry out the work)
  • any of the above who has a disabled person living in their home can apply on behalf of the disabled person
  • a parent or guardian of a child with a disability can apply, if the child is under 18 years old
  • a landlord can apply on behalf of a disabled tenant

How it works

Your Occupational Therapist will assess your needs and request a quote from one of our suppliers on your behalf. Your application will be processed by either Adult Social Care or Brighter Futures for Children.

How to apply

Please contact Adult Social Care or Brighter Futures for Children.

Professional Fees
What it is for?
The cost of architects, structural engineers or other relevant fees to enable a Disabled Facilities Grant application to progress. For example, where Planning approval is required before we can determine which works will be eligible for grant aid.

Who it is for?
Applicants who are eligible to make an application for a Disabled Facilities Grant.

How it works
You must have submitted a completed application to us for a Disabled Facilities Grant. We will let you know if you are eligible to apply for a grant towards the relevant fees.

How much can you get?
Up to £5000 prior to the approval of your Disabled Facilities Grant and an additional £5000 after approval.

How to apply
Fees will be reclaimed or registered as a local land charge if the Disabled Facilities Grant does not proceed unless the proposed works are no longer viable due to costs or because the disabled person has been moved into residential care or has passed away.
Accommodation Fees
What it is for?
The costs for alternative accommodation if it is not feasible for the disabled person to remain in residence while the grant eligible works are carried out.

Who it is for?
  • applicants who are eligible to make an application for a Disabled Facilities Grant
  • alternative accommodation is for the person for whom the adaptations are being carried out, their necessary carer and household members dependant on that carer
How it works
You must have had an application for a Disabled Facilities Grant approved. Your OT and the HA&G Team will have ruled out all alternative options such as staying with relatives and/or the use of portable equipment. We will assist you in finding alternative accommodation for the necessary period during the works.

How much can you get?
Up to £7000 towards the reasonable accommodation costs.

Relocation Grants
What it is for?

Fees (estate agents, solicitors, removals and surveys) to enable you to move to more suitable property.

Who it is for?

  • disabled owner-occupiers and private tenants
  • any of the above who has a disabled person living in their home can apply on behalf of the disabled person
  • a parent or guardian of a child with a disability can apply, if the child is under 18 years old

How much can you get?

Up to £10,000 for owner-occupiers and £5,000 for private tenants

What you should be aware of

  • the new property must be more suitable to meet your medical needs than current property
  • if you need a grant to fund adaptations to your new property the cost of the work must be less than the cost to adapt your current property – you will need to apply for a DFG if you need any major adaptations to your new property
  • your move and works must be supported by an OT or HA&G Team
  • in certain circumstances, the grant may have to be paid back if the property is sold within 10 years of the works being completed

How to apply

In the first instance, contact Adult Social Care or Brighter Futures for Children. They will take some information from you and refer you to an OT if appropriate who will contact you and arrange a full functional assessment.

Last updated on 06/06/2024