Notes to 12 month written notice letter to plot holders

Reading Borough Council’s Policy Committee has approved a number of changes to allotment administration including rents, discounts and the Tenancy Agreement. The changes are based on feedback from 500+ plot holders in the 2023 Allotment Survey and on the needs of the Council’s own service. The changes will happen from 1st April 2025. The Council must give plot holders 12 months written notice of these changes, under section 1 of the Allotments Act 1950.

The changes are listed below and further information on each item is set out in this letter.

  1. The allotment year will start on April 1st and not on New Years Day
  2. Current Tenancy Agreements will be ended on 31st March 2025 and replaced with new Tenancy Agreements on 1st April 2025
  3. The Standard Rent Level will increase by 20% on 2023 levels
  4. Your Reading Passport (YRP) will no longer be used as the means to assess individual’s right to a discount
  5. The 10% YRP General Discount will be withdrawn entirely
  6. The 84% YRP Concessionary Discount will be replaced with a single Discount of 40%

1. The allotment year will start on April 1st each year.


From 2025, the allotment year will start on April 1st to align with finance processes. This will help improve financial management. It will also move the annual billing date away from the Christmas period.  

2. Current Tenancy Agreements will end on 31st March 2025 and WILL BE  replaced with new Tenancy Agreements on 1st April 2025.


To make it easier for plot holders to know how their plot should be kept and to help the Council address issues with tenants who do not cultivate their plots to the required standard.

Why are you ‘ending’ my contract?

By law, we must end the current Tenancy Agreements to be able to introduce the changes listed above.

What will happen to my tenancy from January to March 2025?

Our allotment tenancies run for 12 months and are renewed annually. When your current “2024 tenancy” ends on 31st December 2024, we will renew it as usual but your “2025 tenancy” will only be effective for three months as it will be ended by this notice on 31st March 2025. If you wish to remain a plot holder, we will issue you a new “2025/26 tenancy” that is valid from 1st April 2025 to 31st March 2026.

If you wish to view the new Tenancy Agreement, it can be found at … (RBC website)

3. The Standard Rent Level will increase by 20% on 2023 levels.


Allotments have historically been a heavily subsidised service. Benchmarking found that our rent levels were lower than the average across benchmarked allotment providers. Since 2020 we have been asking plot holders and Site Representatives about our rent levels. The 2023 Allotment Survey results showed strong support to increase rent levels so that they match, but do not exceed the benchmarked average.

How was this decision made?

Council Committees have considered the case for rent increase and the views of plot holders since January 2023. The first two reports were scrutinised and approved by the Housing Neighbourhood and Leisure Committee and the most recent was approved by the Council’s Policy Committee on 11th March 2024.

What are the new rent levels?

The table below sets out the rent levels for a 125 square metre plot from 1st April 2025. Your rent is will depend on which category site you are on and whether you are eligible for the new single discount. Eligibility for the new single discount is set out at point 6 below.

Category A sites are Balmore, Bulmershe, Caversham Court, Emmer Green (Grove Road), Oakley Road, Oak Tree Road, Scours Lane and Waterloo Meadows

FULL CHARGE£50.50 p/a (97p per week)
SINGLE DISCOUNT. If you are eligible, your rent will be£30.30 p/a (58p per week)

Category B  sites are Circuit Lane, Coley Park, Goddards Farm, Henley Road, Lower Southcote (Brunel Road), Newcastle Road, and Victoria Road

FULL CHARGE£37.88 p/a (73p per week)
SINGLE DISCOUNT. If you are eligible, your rent will be£22.73 p/a (44p per week)

Category C sites are Ardler Road, Ashampstead, George Street, Meadway and Mockbeggar

FULL CHARGE£25.25 p/a (49p per week)
SINGLE DISCOUNT. If you are eligible, your rent will be£15.15 p/a (29p per week)

What if I cannot afford the new rent levels?

We will be offering a new single discount for people on a low income, on State Retirement Pension or who have a disability.  Please read point 6 below.

4. Your Reading Passport (YRP) will not be used to assess eligibility for allotment discounts.


The YRP scheme is not robust enough to verify claims for discounts. We want to provide rent discounts to those most. To do so, we need to be able to assess eligibility using simplified standard criteria.  

5. The 10% YRP General Discount will be withdrawn.


This discount creates an unnecessary administrative demand on the service. It saves Reading residents with the YRP just £2 to £4 a year for a standard plot. We are simplifying the discounts so that we that we target discounts at low income households and other groups.

WHEN will this discount be withdrawn?

This discount is no longer available to new tenants and will be withdrawn completely from April 1st, 2025. We believe that some plot holders who currently claim the 10% discount may be eligible for the new single discount under the criteria specified in point 6 below.

6. The 84% (YRP) Concessionary Discount will be replaced with a single discount of 40%


According to the Association for Public Service Excellence “State of the Market on Allotments 2023” Report, Reading’s concessionary discount rate is double the national average rate. We are bringing Reading’s discount rate in line with the national average discount rate.

The new single discount will remain be available to people on low income, with a disability or who receive State Retirement Pension as set out below.

Eligibility and proofLow incomeDisabilityAge
Eligibility Criteria  Housing Benefit or Council Tax Support Blue Badge  or Bus Pass State Retirement Pension or Age-linked Bus Pass 
Proof required.  In addition to name, address, email and phone numberDate of birth and National Insurance Number Blue Badge or Bus Pass numberDate of birth and National Insurance Number.  and/or  Age-linked Bus Pass number 

How do I apply for the single discount?

We will write to all tenants before March 31st, 2025, to ask whether you qualify for the single discount and for the relevant proof as set out in the table above. We will then make sure that annual invoices for 2025/26 accurately reflect your personal circumstances.

What should I do now?

You need not do anything now. The changes do not come in action until April 2025.

If you wish to end your tenancy at any time, please tell us promptly by email to

For more information, please discuss your queries with your Site Liaison Representatives; or contact the Council via the allotment inbox. We will be publishing updates on the Council’s website as progress is made.

Last updated on 01/07/2024