Civic Library consultation

The document linked below is a consultant report by RedQuadrant for Reading Borough Council. It focuses on two main projects: the redesign of the Civic Centre reception and the relocation of Reading Central Library to the Civic Centre.

Key points:


The aim is to create a welcoming and accessible Civic Centre that serves as a hub for community engagement and support. It will also be technologically modern and efficient.


The new reception will include Customer Services, Registration Services, Brighter Futures for Children, Adult Social Care, and Housing. It will also serve as the main entrance and first point of contact for visitors.

Library relocation

The Council plans to build a new Central Library at the Civic Centre, focusing on digital skills, events, and community needs.


RedQuadrant was tasked with public and stakeholder consultation to inform the design of both projects. They received responses from 1,135 people.

Best practices

The report reviews best practices for co-locating libraries and other council services, emphasizing the importance of integrating services and using technology to enhance customer experience.

Public opinion:

75 percent support the new Central Library location.

60 percent favour co-location with the Civic space.

50 percent of non-library users are interested in using the new library.

Important features

Respondents want extended opening hours, improved stock of books, Wi-Fi/computer facilities, events, and children’s provision.

Current Civic Centre

63 percent felt safe using it, and over 50 percent find it accessible and professional.

Requirements for Civic Centre

Improved digital/online services, better disabled access, comfortable seating, free Wi-Fi, and accessible toilets and parking for disabled badge-holders.

Next steps

The report suggests further engagement and communication for the next phases of the project.

If you have questions or would like the document in a different format email:

Last updated on 14/09/2023