New pedestrian crossing ready for start of academic year

photo of a pedestrian crossing

A new pedestrian crossing has recently been installed in Upper Redlands Road in time for the start of the academic year. The council secured government funding to install the crossing with the support of the University of Reading and St Joseph’s College.

There was previously no designated crossing point in Upper Redlands Road and there was a large amount of community support for a facility. Students, pupils, staff and local residents will benefit from the new crossing which, along with other measures locally, will provide a better environment for walking and cycling. The crossing also links to the university, via Elmhurst Road, to an earlier active travel scheme on Shinfield Road.

Cllr John Ennis, Lead Councillor for Climate Strategy and Transport, said:

“This project has been a great collaboration between the Council, University of Reading and St Joseph’s College for the benefit of the whole local community.

“There has been a lot of support for a pedestrian crossing to be installed on Upper Redlands Road and I am delighted we have been able to deliver this in time for the new school year.

“The new crossing will complement other council initiatives in the area to make walking and cycling more attractive for students, pupils, staff and local residents.”

Lynn Douglas, Bursar, St Joseph’s College, said:

“We are delighted to see this key pedestrian crossing come to fruition after many years of campaigning by the College and our Parents’ Association. We are pleased to have been able to contribute financially towards the establishment of the crossing, which will enhance the safe passage of our pupils on their way to and from school and when using the sports facilities at the university.”

Dan Fernbank, Energy & Sustainability Director at the University of Reading, said:

“Seeing this new crossing in place improves road safety for our students, staff, those of the local schools and the whole community. We have worked with the community to campaign for a crossing here for many years and are pleased our financial contribution and those of others have helped make this a reality. We look forward to seeing more active travel improvements locally in the future.”

Last updated on 29/08/2024