Rowe Court fire donations

Following the tragic fire that took place at Rowe Court, off Grovelands Road in Reading in the early hours of Wednesday (15th December) morning the Council and local Councillors have been contacted with generous offers of support and donation from the borough’s residents.
At this time, financial donations have been identified as the preferred means by which to support residents affected and displaced by the fire and details on how you can donate follow. The Council will ensure the donations reach the displaced residents. Please can we ask that physical items are not donated. We are aware of other organisations who are also fundraising and we will work together to ensure all the donations reach those displaced residents.
All residents affected will continue to be supported for as long as necessary as the emergency services continue with the complex task of assessing structural damage to the building. This is expected to take some time. The Council is working with residents individually to understand both their short and long term needs in terms of accommodation and any other support requirements.
Residents not already in contact with the Council but who require help or support can call the Contact Centre on 0118 9373787 where they will be signposted to the appropriate organisation. The telephone number is available to call 24/7.
Victims First Hub can provide immediate support, either on the free phone number 0300 1234 148 or via the website at
If you would like to donate to this fund to help support those affected by these tragic events, please do so via the following link, using the reference 'donation'.
We thank you in advance for your generosity and kindness at this very difficult time.