Planning policy

We consider all planning applications against our planning policies. Policies are reviewed frequently, so please check this list for the latest version.

Local Plan

Local Plan Contains planning policies to manage development in Reading up to 2036. This is the main document which is used to decide planning applications. More information can be found on the New Local Plan page. A Local Plan Review was been carried out in March 2023 to consider whether policies require an updateAdopted November 2019
Proposals map Identifies designations from the Local Plan in map format. Adopted November 2019
The Central and Eastern Berkshire Minerals and Waste Plan Bracknell Forest Council, Reading Borough Council, the Royal Borough of Windsor & Maidenhead, and Wokingham Borough Council (collectively referred to as ‘Central & Eastern Berkshire Authorities’) have worked in partnership to produce a Joint Minerals & Waste Plan which guides minerals and waste decision-making in the Plan area.Adopted January 2023

Other main planning policy documents

Community Infrastructure Levy Charging Schedule Information on the charge imposed on new developments to support the provision of infrastructure. Approved January 2015
Statement of Community Involvement Sets out how we intend to consult on planning policy documents, and how developers should consult on major planning applications. Adopted March 2014
Duty to cooperate scoping strategy Deals with how we intend to fulfil our ‘duty to co-operate’ in plan-making with key partners under the Localism Act 2011. Latest version December 2015
Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report Sets out how we assess what the environmental, social and economic effects of our plans and policies would be. Revised September 2014
Local Development Scheme Sets out the programme for producing planning policy documents. Amended June 2024
Annual Monitoring Report (AMR): AMR 2023 | AMR 2022 | AMR 2021 | AMR 2020 | AMR 2019 | AMR 2018  |AMR 2017 | AMR 2016  | AMR 2015 | AMR 2014  | AMR 2013 AMRs report on the production of policy documents. They also report on the effect the policies are having. New reports produced every December
Infrastructure Funding Statement 2022-23 | Infrastructure Funding Statement 2021-22 | Infrastructure Funding Statement 2020-21 | Infrastructure Funding Statement 2019-20A document reporting on the collection, allocation and spend of developer contributions towards infrastructure during the most recent financial year. The document also highlights future spend.New reports produced every December

Supplementary planning documents – topics

Affordable HousingA Statement of Consultation summarising the results of consultation undertaken in 2020 is available. An Adoption Statement detailing important information on the adoption of the document is also available. Updated Reading Affordable Rent levels for 2022. Adopted March 2021
Design Guide to House Extensions A Statement of Consultation detailing the consultation process and outcomes is also available, as is an Adoption Statement setting out information about the adoption of the document.Adopted March 2021
Design Guide to Shopfronts Supplementary Planning DocumentDocument setting out detailed guidance on shopfronts within Reading. A Statement of Consultation detailing the consultation process and outcomes is also available, as is an Adoption Statement setting out information about the adoption of the document.Adopted January 2022
Employment, Skills and Training Supplementary Planning Document Provides detailed guidance on how we expect developers to contribute to employment initiatives, such as creating apprenticeship, employment and training opportunities for the local workforce. Adopted April 2013
Revised Parking Standards and Design Supplementary Planning Document Provides guidance on the levels of parking required as part of new developments. Adopted October 2011
Residential Conversions Supplementary Planning Document Sets out detailed policy on converting houses to flats or houses in multiple occupation. This includes things like assessing the character of the area, loss of privacy and the impact it would have on the community. An Adoption Statement is available as is a Statement of Consultation summarising the consultation undertaken on the draft.Adopted March 2023
Planning Obligations under Section 106 Supplementary Planning Document Sets out how planning obligations under Section 106 for new development will be secured, in the context of the Community Infrastructure Levy. See our Section 106 Adoption Statement for more information or read our Consultation Report. Adopted April 2015
Sustainable Design and Construction Supplementary Planning Document Sets out our commitment to producing sustainable buildings. It also interprets existing policy on things like climate change, energy efficiency and renewable energy. Adopted December 2019
Palmer Park Development FrameworkSets a planning framework and design principles for development within Palmer Park, particularly for the provision of a new swimming poolAdopted April 2020.

Supplementary planning documents – sites

Battle-Hospital-Planning-Brief Development principles for the former Battle Hospital site. Much of the development has now been completed, but there are still parts of the site where development may come forward. Adopted October 2005
Caversham Lock Development Principles Contains planning guidance for the future of one of Reading’s most important riverside areas. Adopted March 2006
Dee Park Planning Brief Provides guidance on the major regeneration of the Dee Park area. Adopted December 2008
Kenavon Drive Urban Design Concept Statement Seeks to guide the form of any development of the Kenavon Drive area. Adopted July 2004
Meadway Centre Planning Brief Provides guidance on the future of the Meadway Centre on Honey End Land. Adopted November 2013
Minster Quarter Area Development Framework Part 1
Minster Quarter Area Development Framework Part 2

Minster Quarter Area Development Framework Part 3

Minster Quarter Area Development Framework Note on Sustainability Appraisal

Minster Quarter Area Development Framework Adoption Statement

Minster Quarter Area Development Framework Equality Scoping
Provides development principles for the Minster Quarter Area Adopted December 2018
Reading Prison Framework Sets out guidelines on the future of this important site in central Reading – in particular the vital heritage issues. Download our Prison Framework Statement for more information and see the Consultation Report. Adopted March 2015
Reading Station Area Framework Sets out principles and guidelines for how development around the station should take shape. Adopted December 2010
South West Reading Planning Brief Sets out planning guidelines for the South West Reading Area. Approved April 2000
Station Hill South Planning and Urban Designs Brief Provides development principles for the area bounded by Station Road, Reading Station, Greyfriars Road and Friar Street. Adopted March 2007

Technical reports and background evidence

Aggregates Monitoring Survey 2011  
Joint Minerals and Waste Annual Monitoring Report: 2010  | 2009
The six Berkshire authorities used to produce these joint reports. They are no longer produced separately. Now incorporated into Annual Monitoring Reports
Brownfield Land Register An annual register of brownfield land suitable for housing development. Includes maps (sites BL1001 to BL1061, BL2002 to BL2062,  BL3001 to BL3035, BL4001 to BL4028 and BL5001 to BL5020).  
This relates only to Part 1 of the Register, as no sites have been placed on Part 2.
December 2022
City Centre Framework An urban design strategy for central Reading, produced to inform the Reading Central Area Action Plan. Published March 2008
Employment Land Review Report
Site-specific analysis 2009
A study of the need for new employment floorspace, published in 2006.  Further work was carried out in 2009 on the future specific employment land. Report published 2006, analysis 2009
Berkshire Functional Economic Market Area Study This study is the result of co-operation between the six Berkshire unitary authorities and Thames Valley Berkshire LEP to examine what the economic market areas that exist within Berkshire are. Published February 2016
Central Berkshire Economic Development Needs Assessment A study examining the need for land for economic development use in Central Berkshire. Published November 2016
Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Background Information A Gypsy and Traveller, Travelling Showperson and Houseboat Dweller Accommodation Assessment was published in June 2017 to assess accommodation needs. A Gypsy and Traveller Provision Background Document sets out the work that has been undertaken in looking for sites to meet this need. September 2017
Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment, May 2017  
Volume I Main Report
Volume II Detailed tables
A Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (HELAA) has been undertaken to feed into the Local Plan. This is based on a methodology agreed with five of the six Berkshire authorities. November 2017
Infrastructure Delivery Plan Sets out what will be needed to carry out proposals in the development plan Published May 2017
Local Aggregates Assessment Examines trends in the production of aggregates in Berkshire and looks at potential future demand and supply. Published annually – latest version published in 2014
Monitoring of commitments (non-residential):
Non-residential commitments 2024 |
Non-residential commitments 2023 |
Non-residential commitments 2022 | Non-residential commitments 2021 | Non-residential commitments 2020 | Non-residential commitments 2019 | Non-residential commitments 2018 | Non-residential commitments 2017 | Non-residential commitments 2016 | Non-residential commitments 2015 | Non-residential commitments 2014 | Non-residential commitments 2013 | Non-residential commitments 2012 | Non-residential commitments 2011 | Non-residential commitments 2010 | Non-residential commitments 2009 | Non-residential commitments 2008 | Non-residential commitments 2007 | Non-residential commitments 2006
Annual monitoring of the progress of non-residential planning permissions. Published annually, covering year 1 April-31 March
Monitoring of commitments (residential):
Residential commitments 2024 |
Residential commitments 2023 | Residential commitments 2022 | Residential commitments 2021 | Residential commitments 2020 Residential commitments 2019 | Residential commitments 2018 | Residential commitments 2017 | Residential commitments 2016 | Residential commitments 2015 | Residential commitments 2014 | Residential commitments 2013 | Residential commitments 2012 | Residential commitments 2011 | Residential commitments 2010 | Residential commitments 2009 | Residential commitments 2008 | Residential commitments 2007 | Residential commitments 2006
Annual monitoring of the progress of planning permissions for housing. Published annually, covering year 1 April-31 March
Significant Views with Heritage Interest assessment Assessment prepared by the Reading Conservation Area Advisory Committee identifying and assessing significant views with a heritage interest as identified in the Local Plan.Published January 2018
Strategic Flood Risk Assessment: Main report | Appendix A | Appendix B | Appendix C part 1| Appendix C part 2 |Appendix D A document assessing flood risk in Reading to inform planning policy and decisions. Published June 2017
Strategic Flood Risk Assessment Level 2 | Main report | Appendix A | Appendix B Detailed flood risk assessment work on individual sites. Published December 2017
Strategic Housing Market Assessment The six Berkshire unitary authorities and the Thames Valley Berkshire LEP have co-operated on a Strategic Housing Market Assessment, which examines the need for housing in the area, including affordable housing.  The final SHMA was published in February 2016. Published February 2016
Tall Buildings Strategy

Tall Buildings Market Analysis
A study looking at the scope for tall buildings in central Reading.  This study, along with the accompanying market analysis, informed the policy in the Reading Central Area Action Plan. A study looking at the scope for tall buildings in central Reading.  This study, along with the accompanying market analysis, informed the policy in the Reading Central Area Action Plan. Strategy published January 2008  
Market Analysis published November 2007
Western Berkshire Retail and Leisure Study Assesses whether there is a need for additional retail and leisure provision in Reading, West Berkshire, Wokingham and Bracknell Forest Published May 2017
Last updated on 28/06/2024