Local plan examination

The Council is in the process of producing a new Local Plan, which contains the planning policies to guide development up to 2036. More information on the process so far is on the New Local Plan page.

The Local Plan and Proposals Map were submitted to the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government on 29th March 2018. This marked the beginning of a public examination process, where an independent Inspector considers the Local Plan and Proposals Map, and determines whether they are sound, legally compliant and fulfil the duty to co-operate.

The Secretary of State has appointed Louise Gibbons BA(Hons) MRTPI as the Inspector to conduct the examination. The Council has appointed a Programme Officer, Jane Greenway, who is the main point of contact for the examination. She can be contacted on Programme.Officer@reading.gov.uk or 07855 126 484. For information on the Local Plan more generally, please contact the Planning Policy Team on 0118 937 3337 or planningpolicy@reading.gov.uk.

Alongside the Submission Draft Local Plan and Submission Draft Local Plan Proposals Map, a number of other documents have also been submitted, which make up the evidence base for the Local Plan. These are listed below, either with documents available to download or with links to documents on other pages. Please note that this list is likely to change throughout the examination period.

The examination process included a set of public hearings. These hearings took place between 25th September and 5th October at the Town Hall, Blagrave Street.  As a result of these hearings, and subsequent information provided, the Inspector has identified a need for ‘main’ modifications to the Wednesday 12 June and Wednesday 24 July. The relevant documents are available to view at the bottom of this page.

12 June and Wednesday 24 July. The relevant documents are available to view at the bottom of this page.

Local Plan Documents

Reference numberLocal plan documents
LP001Submission Draft Local Plan
LP002LP002 Submission Draft Proposals Map overview and key
LP002 Submission Draft Proposals Map pages A to D
LP002 Submission Draft Proposals Map pages E to G
LP002 Submission Draft Proposals Map pages H to K
LP002 Submission Draft Proposals_Map pages L to N
LP002 Submission Draft Proposals Map pages O to R
LP003Pre-Submission Draft Local Plan (November 2017)
LP004Pre-Submission Draft Local Plan Proposals Map (November 2017)
LP005Sustainability Appraisal of the Pre-Submission Draft Local Plan (November 2017)
LP006Statement of Consultation on Pre-Submission Draft Local Plan (March 2018)
LP007LP007 Full Copy of Representations on Pre-submission Local Plan (alphabetical A-G)
LP007 Full Copy of Representations on Pre-submission Local Plan (alphabetical H-K)
LP007 Full Copy of Representations on Pre-submission Local Plan (alphabetical S-W)
LP008LP008 Schedule of Minor Changes prior to Submission
LP009Draft Local Plan (May 2017)
LP010Draft local Plan Proposals Map (May 2017)
LP011Sustainability Appraisal of the Draft Local Plan (May 2017)
LP012Statement of Consultation on Draft Local Plan
LP013Local Plan issues and options (January 2016)
LP014Sustainability Appraisal of the Local Plan Issues and Options (January 2016)
LP015Statement of Consultation on Issues and Options
LP016List of responses to representations on Local Plan issues and options (May 2017)

Other planning policy documents

Reference numberDocuments
PP001Local Development Scheme (November 2016)
PP002Statement of Community Involvement (March 2014)
PP003Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report (September 2014)
PP004 Core Strategy (amended January 2015)
PP005 Reading Central Area Action Plan (January 2009)
PP006 Sites and Detailed Policies Document (amended January 2015)
PP007 Local Development Framework Proposals Map (October 2012)
PP008 Duty to Co-operate Scoping Strategy (December 2015)
PP009 Community Infrastructure Levy Charging Schedule
PP010 Annual Monitoring Report 2016-17
PP011 Parking Standards and Design SPD (October 2011)
PP012 Reading Station Area Framework (December 2010)
PP013 Community Infrastructure Levy Regulation 123 List

Other plans and strategies

Reference numberDocuments
OP001 National Planning Policy Framework
OP002 Planning Policy for Traveller Sites
OP003 Thames Valley Berkshire Strategic Economic Plan 2015/16-2020/21: Strategy (2014)
OP004 West of Berkshire Spatial Planning Framework (December 2016)
OP005 Local Transport Plan 2011-2026 (April 2011)
OP006 Cycling Strategy 2014
OP007 Reading Means Business on Climate Change: Reading’s Climate Change Strategy 2013-2020 (September 2013)
OP008 Air Quality Action Plan Update (2016)
OP009 Reading 2050 Vision (October 2017)

Evidence documents

Reference documentsEvidence documents
EV001Duty to Co-operate Statement (March 2018)
EV002Local Plan Overall Background Paper (March 2018)
EV003Self-Assessment Legal Compliance Toolkit of the Local Plan (March 2018)
EV004Self-Assessment Soundness Toolkit of the Local Plan (March 2018)
EV005Local Plan Transport Modelling Assessment (March 2018)
EV006Local Plan Viability Assessment (March 2018)
EV007Infrastructure Delivery Plan (March 2018)
EV008Berkshire Functional Economic Market Area Study (February 2016)
EV009Central Berkshire FEMA Economic Development Needs Assessment (October 2016)
EV010 Employment Area Analysis (March 2018)
EV011Berkshire (including South Bucks) Strategic Housing Market Assessment (February 2016)
EV012Housing Implementation Strategy (December 2017)
EV013Berkshire Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment Methodology (November 2016)
EV014Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment Vol I Main Report (November 2017)
EV015Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment Vol II Detailed Tables (November 2017)
EV016Gypsy and Traveller, Travelling Showpeople and Houseboat Dweller Accommodation Assessment (September 2017)
EV017Gypsy and Traveller Provision Consultation Document (September 2017)
EV018Gypsy and Traveller Provision Consultation Summary of Responses
EV019Gypsy and Traveller Provision Background Document (September 2017)
EV020Western Berkshire Retail and Commercial Leisure Assessment (May 2017)
EV021Reading Open Spaces Strategy
EV022Open Spaces Strategy Update Note (January 2018)
EV024Historic Environment Background Paper March 2018
EV025Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (Level 1) (June 2017)
EV026Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (Level 2) (December 2017)
EV027Strategic Flood Risk Assessment – Level 2 – Cow Lane (February 2018)
EV028Sequential and Exception Test Document (March 2018)
EV029Water Quality Assessment (March 2018)
EV030Tall Buildings Strategy (January 2008)
EV031Tall Buildings Strategy Update Note (March 2018)
EV032City Centre Framework Update 2008 (January 2008)
EV033Local Green Space and Public Open Space Background Paper (March 2018)
EV034OAN Sensitivity Testing – Western Berkshire Housing Market Area (March 2018)

Examination documents – inspector

Reference numberExamination documents – inspector
EI001Initial comments and questions to Council
EI002Examination of the Reading Local Plan – Guidance Note
EI003Matters and Issues for the Examination
EI004Hearings Programme
EI005 Agenda 25th September
EI006 Agenda 26th September
EI007 Agenda 27th September
EI008 Agenda 28th September
EI009 Agenda 2nd October
EI010 Agenda 3rd October
EI011 Agenda 4th October
EI012 Agenda 5th October
EI013 List of Examination Outstanding Actions
EI014Post Hearing Advice – Additional Main Modifications and Related Matters

Examination documents – Reading Borough Council

Reference numberExamination documents – Reading Borough Council
EC001Council response to initial questions and comments
EC002Berkshire Objectively Assessed Need MOU July 2018
EC003Council Response to Issue 1 Procedural Requirements
EC004Council Response to Issue 2 Housing Requirement
EC005Council Response to Issue 3 Five Year Housing Land Supply
EC006Council Response to Issue 4 Cross Cutting Policies
EC007Council Response to Issue 5 Built and Natural Environment
EC008Council Response to Issue 6 Employment
EC00Council Response to Issue 7 Housing
EC010Council Response to Issue 8 Transport
EC011Council Response to Issue 9 Retail, Leisure and Culture
EC012Council Response to Issue 10 Central Reading
EC013Council Response to Issue 11 South Reading
EC014Council Response to Issue 12 West Reading and Tilehurst
EC015Council Response to Issue 13 Caversham and Emmer Green
EC016Council Response to Issue 14 East Reading
EC017Council Opening Statement
EC018Policy Committee Report and Minutes on Secondary School
EC019Note on Implications of Secondary School Delivery Issues
EC020Planning Applications Committee Report and Minutes on St Patricks Hall
EC021Note on Allocation Dwelling Ranges
EC022Note on Mapledurham Playing Field
EC023Planning for Air Quality
EC024Note on EN17 Noise Requirements
EC025Note on Securing Affordable Housing from Employment Development
EC026Letter from Council re Green Park Masterplan
EC027GL Hearn Note on 2016 Based Household Projections
EC028Update to Affordable Housing Evidence
EC029Small Site Affordable Housing Appeal Decisions
EC030Additional Information on Viability Assessment
EC031Council Comments on Reversing the Decline of Small Housebuilders
EC032Note on Oxfordshire Cross Boundary Park and Ride Corridors
EC033Tree Preservation Order for Reading Golf Club
EC034Draft London Plan Policy on Build to Rent July 2018
EC035Reading Rent with Confidence Scheme
EC037East Reading MRT Full Business Case
EC038Planning Applications Committee Report and Minutes for East Reading MRT
EC039Wokingham Planning Committee Report and Minutes for East Reading MRT
EC040Draft Hosier Street Area Development Framework
EC041Outline Development Framework Reading Prison
EC042University of Reading Statement of Common Ground
EC043Additional Justification on Policy H3 on Small Site Affordable Housing
EC044Revised Housing Trajectory March 19 with notes

Examination documents – other participants

Reference numberExamination documents
EP001University of Reading Response to Issue 1
EP002West Berkshire Council Response to Issue 1
EP003Home Builders Federation Response to Issues 2 and 4
EP004Unite Group Response to Issues 2 and 7
EP005West Berkshire Council Response to Issue 2
EP006SGN Response to Issue 3
EP007University of Reading Response to Issue 3
EP008Dr Tony Cowling Response to Issue 4
EP009Environment Agency Response to Issue 4
EP010Reading Friends of the Earth Response to Issues 4 and 5
EP011University of Reading Response to Issue 4
EP012University of Reading Response to Issue 5
EP013Robert Cort Properties Response to Issue 6
EP014Thames Properties Response to Issue 6
EP015Environment Agency Response to Issue 7
EP016 Pang Valley Ramblers Response to Issue 7
EP017 University of Reading Response to Issue 7
EP018 Pang Valley Ramblers Response to Issue 8
EP019 Hermes Response to Issue 9
EP020 Aviva Response to Issue 10
EP021 SGN Response to Issue 10
EP022 Theatres Trust Response to Issue 10
EP023 West Berkshire Council Response to Issue 11
EP024 Pang Valley Ramblers Response to Issue 12
EP025 Tilehurst Poors Land Charity Response to Issue 12
EP026 BBC Response to Issue 13
EP027 William Smith Response to Issue 13
EP028TA Fisher Response to Issue 13
EP029Trevor and Sigi Teer Response to Issue 13
EP030University of Reading Response to Issue 13
EP031University of Reading Response to Issue 14
EP032Environment Agency withdrawal of objection to Sequential Test
EP033Historic England Crib Sheet for Considerations for Development Management
EP034Historic England Response to Issue 5 LATE
EP035Rentplus Representations on Draft Local Plan with Attachment
EP036Reversing the Decline of Small Housebuilders
EP037Reading PRS and Thames Quarter Project Report
EP038Housing Standards Review Final Implementation Impact Assessment
EP039Information on Low Energy Housing re Issue 7 from Reading Friends of the Earth
EP040Tilehurst Poors Land Charity Representation to Draft Local Plan with Supporting Documents
EP041Kentwood Hill and Armour Hill Photos from Steve Hicks
EP042 Further Statement from Environment Agency on Water Quality Assessment
EP043Additional Information from Reading Golf Club
EP044Comments on Submission from Reading Golf Club and Wates
EP045Council Comments on Submission by Reading Golf Club and Wates
EP047Further Information from Reading Friends of the Earth on Issue 8
EP048Information from Environment Agency re 10m Buffer

Examination documents – main modifications

Reference numberExamination documents
EM001Main modifications consultation document June 2019
EM002Sustainability appraisal of main modifications June 2019
EM003List of Minor Modifications for Adoption Local Plan
EM004Main Modifications Representations A to E
Main Modifications Representations F to G  
Main Modifications Representations H to W
Last updated on 05/06/2024