Homechoice at Reading – priority banding assessment


The priority bands below came into effect on 29 April 2024. Applicants on the Housing Register that have been awarded a band prior to this date will transfer to the new bands. For more information, see our guidance on priority band changes.

Once we receive your completed Homechoice at Reading application, it will be assessed and based on the information provided, awarded one of five priority bands:

Band 1

Circumstances that would result in a threat to life or require an urgent move due to time limited obligations

Example: witness protection, management transfer, a medical or welfare concern resulting in a risk to life, delayed hospital discharges

Band 2

Circumstances where a home is significantly no longer suitable/accessible and/or there is a recognised need for this accommodation to become available

Example: RBC tenants under occupying homes, living in a home with no longer required adaptations, moving on from supported accommodation

Band 3

Legislative direction to provide a higher priority than reasonable preference

Example: qualifying forces personnel, bereaved spouses/partners

Band 4

Circumstances that meet the definition of reasonable preference – as previously set out, and to facilitate a move for council or Affinity tenants who do not meet any reasonable preference categories

No Priority for Housing (NPFH)

None of the reasonable preference categories apply or any other listed above are those assessed as having NPFH

Guidance on priority band changes

The way that priority will be awarded to a Homechoice at Reading application is changing from 7 May 2024, and will be retrospectively applied to all new applications received after 29 April 2024.

Applicants who had applied before 29 April 2024 and not yet been awarded a priority band will be assessed under the old priority definitions and transfer to the new banding.

Applicants already on the Housing Register prior to the implementation of the new priority definitions will retain their existing band, but this will translate to one of the new bands.

Old/Current BandNew Band (in effect from 5 April 2024)
Last updated on 20/05/2024