Strategies and plans

Adult Care Strategy 2019-22 Outlines how Reading Borough Council will put prevention and early intervention at the heart of care and support in Reading.
Adult Social Care Asset Review and Capital StrategyOutlines a consolidation of ASC services, which allows the needs of service users to be met and enables housing opportunities to be maximised.
Berkshire Suicide Prevention Strategy 2021-26Outlines how NHS agencies and partners in Berkshire aim to reduce suicide for 2021 and 2026.
Brighter Futures for Children 2021/2022 Business Plan Outlines Brighter Futures for Children’s 2020-21 business priorities, objectives and how they intend to deliver these, plus outlined budget and allocation against resources.
Capital Strategy 2024/25
Capital Strategy Appendix
The Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA) revised Prudential Code for Capital Finance in Local Authorities 2017 requires local authorities to produce a Capital Strategy on an annual basis which must be approved by full council.
Central and Eastern Berkshire Joint Minerals and Waste Plan Outlines minerals and waste decision-making in the Plan area for the period up to 2036.
Climate Emergency Strategy 2020-25 Outlines how we plan to reduce carbon emissions and make Reading more resilient to flooding and other extreme weather events. Read our latest greenhouse gas report for more information.
Corporate Carbon Plan 2020-25 Outlines our policy and targets on corporate energy and water management, and identifies actions to achieve these within the time period 2020-2025.
Corporate Plan 2022/25 In the face of an uncertain context, we have chosen to create a corporate plan for 2022/25. 
Culture and Heritage Strategy 2015-30 Identifies the Cultural Partnership and partners’ priorities and objectives for culture and heritage.
Customer Experience Strategy 2020 – 2024This strategy sets out our vision to achieve the best possible experience for our customers, whoever they are (residents, businesses, partners or suppliers) and whenever they deal with us.
Early Help Partnership Strategy 2021-23 – One Reading To improve outcomes for children, young people and families, reduce demand for specialist services and nurture resilient communities and a thriving voluntary sector.
Empty Homes Strategy 2020-2026 To optimise use of available housing, disrupts and prevents criminality, improves the appearance of neighbourhoods, identifies and reports suspected fraud, generates revenue through New Homes Bonus and recovers debts such as Council Tax arrears, unpaid fines and aged social care debts.
Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2021-2030  

Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2022-2025
Outlines the areas we will focus on from 2021 to 2030 to improve and protect Berkshire West’s health and wellbeing.

Outlines the actions taken to deliver the priorities for the period 2022-2025.
Housing Strategy for Reading 2020 – 2025 Yo provide a steer for the strategic delivery of all housing related programmes and services until 2025.
Local Government Association (LGA) Corporate Peer Challenge Report
Local Government Association (LGA) Corporate Peer Challenge Action Plan
Progress Review Feedback
Local Transport Plan 2011-26  

Local cycling and walking infrastructure plan
Appendix A – scoping report
Appendix B – methodology outputs,
Appendix C – network plan for cycling,
Appendix D – cycling route audits,
Appendix E – network plan for walking,
Appendix F – walking route audits,
Appendix G – prioritised list of cycling and walking measures,
Appendix H – cycle forum requested schemes list,
Appendix I – list of stakeholders.
Cycling Strategy
Public Transport Strategy
Road Safety Strategy
Rights of Way Improvement Plan
Outlines how we plan to manage, maintain and improve Reading’s transport network during the period 2011-26.
Medium Term Financial StrategyTo deliver a balanced and affordable budget and ensure that the Council’s finances are robust and sustainable over the medium term and that in the longer term the Council’s finances are not reliant on the unsustainable use of one-off reserves or funding.
New local planSets out our planning policies for development in Reading up to 2036, and is the main consideration in deciding planning applications.
‘Powered By People’ Strategy, Reading UK Our four year plan to get Reading’s economy back on track, by addressing the key challenges facing our town.
Preventing Homelessness Strategy 2020 – 2025Our priorities to prevent homelessness and identify how we will invest in services to protect our most vulnerable residents in Reading.
Reading Open Spaces Strategy Outlines how we plan to maintain recreational public open spaces.
Rough Sleeping Strategy 2019 – 2024 Outlines how we aim to continue to drive down rough sleeper numbers in the future.
SEND strategy 2022-2027Outlines the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities strategy.
Tackling Inequality Strategy 2023 – 2026
Tackling Inequality Strategy in Action: Place-Based Pilots
Tackling inequality in Reading means delivering a more equitable society and improving people’s standard of living and participation in economic, political, social, and cultural life.
Treasury Management Strategy Statement 2024-25
Treasury Management Strategy Statement 2024-25 appendix
Sets out the parameters for the Council’s planned treasury activity during 2024/25 under which the Council’s treasury team will manage day to day activity.
Waste Minimisation Strategy 2015-20 Outlines our Waste Minimisation Strategy 2015-2020.

Last updated on 10/07/2024