Senior officers

Head of diagram: Jackie Yates (CEx), with five direct reports under her - Louisa Dean (Head of Communications and Marketing), Melissa Wise (Executive Director Communities & Adult Social Care), Emma Gee (Interim Executive Director Economic Growth & Neighbourhood Services), Charlie Stewart (Executive Director Resouces) and John Ashton (Interim Director for Public Health). John Ashton will be replaced by Matthew Pearce as Director for Public Health in July 2024. Direct reports to Melissa Wise are: Chris Greenaway (Interim Assistant Director of Transformation, Commissioning and Performance), Jo Purser (Deputy Director of Safeguarding, Quality and Practice), Sunny Mehmi (Assistant Director of Adult Care Operations), John Knight (Interim - Assistant Director of Housing and Communities) and Martin White (Consultant in Public Health). Direct reports under Emma Gee are: Chris Wheeler (Assistant Director of Environmental and Commercial Services), Charan Dhillon (Assistant Director of Property and Asset Management), James Crosbie (Assistant Director of Planning, Transport and Regulatory Services) and Donna Pentalow (Assistant Director of Culture). Direct reports under Charlie Stewart are: Darren Carter (Director of Finance), Jonathan Hopkins (Assistant Director of Procurement and Contracts), Gavin Handford (Assistant Director of Policy, Performance and Customer Services), Kathryn Cook (Assistant Director of HR and Organisational Development), Michael Graham (Assistant Director of Legal and Democratic Services) and Martin Chalmers (Chief Digital Information Officer - Digital, Technology and Change).

Head of Paid Service

Jackie Yates – Chief Executive

Overall management to staff and for advising Councillors on how the authority should discharge the Council’s functions and the number, organisation and grading of employees required to achieve this.

Grade: Chief Executive

Salary:  £170,000

Reporting to the Chief Executive

Emma Gee – Interim Executive Director of Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services

Lead for all services within the directorate which include:

  • Culture
  • Planning, Transport and Public Protection
  • Infrastructure, Economy and Growth
  • Climate Strategy
  • Environmental and Commercial Services
  • Property and Assets

Grade: CDIR + MS

Salary:  £120,628 – £146,423

Melissa Wise – Executive Director Communities and Adult Social Care

Statutory Director of Adult Social Services (DASS)

Lead for all services within the directorate which include:

  • Adult Care Services
  • Safeguarding, Quality and Performance
  • Wellbeing and Public Health for Reading

Grade: CDIR + MS

Salary:  £120,628 – £146,423

Charlie Stewart – Executive Director Resources

Lead for all services within the directorate which include:

  • HR and OD
  • Finance
  • Legal and Democratic Services
  • Procurement and Contracts
  • Corporate Improvement and Customer Services
  • ICT and Digital

Grade: CDIR + MS

Salary:  £120,628 – £146,423

John Ashton – Interim Director for Public Health

will be Matthew Pearce – Director for Public Health from July 2024

(Berkshire West covers Reading, West Berkshire and, Wokingham councils)

  • Lead for public health across Berkshire West
  • Deliver improvements in the health and wellbeing of residents
  • Reduce inequalities in health outcomes
  • Protect local communities from threats to their health through infectious diseases, environmental and other public health hazards.

Grade: CDIR

Salary: £107,918 – £133,713

Louisa Dean – Head of Communications and Marketing

  • External and, internal communications
  • Digital design
  • Events and civic engagements
  • Berkshire Lieutenancy Office
  • Marketing

Grade: RSMB

Salary: £75,816 – £88,500

Reporting to Charlie Stewart – Executive Director Resources

Kathryn Cook – Assistant Director of HR and Organisational Development

  • H&S for staff & public
  • Payroll & Pensions
  • Resourcing/ recruitment
  • HR advice & support
  • OD & Workforce Development
  • Staff Nursery
  • Emergency planning and risk management

Grade: RSMA

Salary: £88,679 – £103,205

Darren Carter – Director of Finance

(Section 151 Officer)

  • Accountancy – Analysts
  • Accountancy – Systems
  • Accountancy – Technical •Accounts Payable
  • Accounts Receivable
  • Business Partnering
  • Revenues and Benefits
  • Internal Audit
  • Fraud and investigation

Grade: RSMA + MS

Salary:  £109,680 – £123,763

Michael Graham – Assistant Director of Legal and Democratic Services

(Monitoring Officer)

  • Legal Services
  • Joint Legal Team
  • Democratic Services
  • Electoral Services
  • Information Governance
  • Customer Relations

Grade: RSMA

Salary: £88,679 – £103,205

Jonathan Hopkins – Assistant Director of Procurement and Contracts

  • Procurement
  • Contract Management
  • BFfC Contract oversight
  • Finance system new/ amended supplier requests

Grade: RSMA

Salary: £88,679 – £103,205

Gavin Handford – Assistant Director Policy, Performance and Customer Service

  • Call Centre & Customer Hub
  • Delivery Unit
  • Corporate Improvement
  • Policy & Performance
  • Voluntary Sector
  • Registration & Bereavement

Grade: RSMA

Salary: £88,679 – £103,205

Martin Chalmers – Chief Digital Information Officer

  • ICT operations
  • Business partnerships and applications
  • ICT programme
  • Client management
  • Website
  • Digitalisation programme

Grade: RSMA

Salary: £88,679 – £103,205

Reporting to Emma Gee – Executive Director of Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services

Chris Wheeler – Assistant Director of Environmental and Commercial Services

  • Street Care Services
  • Neighbourhood Services
  • Business Development
  • Refuse Collection
  • Parks and Open Spaces
  • Highways
  • RE3 Waste Services
  • Housing Property Services

Grade: RSMA

Salary:£88,679 – £103,205

James Crosbie – Assistant Director Planning, Transport and Regulatory Services

  • Planning
  • Regulatory Services
  • Transport

Grade: RSMA

Salary: £88,679 – £103,205

Charan Dhillon – Assistant Director of Property and Asset Management

  • Assets
  • Property Development
  • Sustainability
  • Corporate Property Services
  • Education Assets

Grade: RSMA

Salary: £88,679 – £103,205

Donna Pentelow – Assistant Director of Culture

  • Library Services
  • Cultural Services
  • Leisure and Recreation
  • New Directions

Grade: RSMA

Salary: £88,679 – £103,205

Reporting to Melissa Wise – Executive Director of Adult Care and Health Services

Sunny Mehmi – Assistant Director of Adult Social Care

Adult Social Care Operational Services

Grade: RSMA

Salary: £97,286 – £111,863

John Knight – Interim Assistant Director of Housing and Communities

  • Housing Operations
  • Community Safety and Enablement
  • Strategic Housing and Development
  • Homes for Reading

Grade: RSMA

Salary: £88,679 – £103,205

Chris Greenway – Interim Assistant Director of Transformation, Commissioning and Performance

  • BCF Project Manager (jointly with HoS)
  • ASC Transformation PMO
  • Matrix management oversight across the directorate

Grade: RSMA + MS

Salary:£97,286 – £111,863

Martin White – Consultant in Public Health

  • Advise on public health issues and improvement
  • Lead /influence development of strategic plans to improve health and wellbeing of residents Influence commissioning aspirations across Reading

Grade: RSMB + MS

Salary: £80,816 – £93,500

Jo Purser – Deputy Director of Safeguarding, Quality and Practice

  • Strategic and operational Safeguarding
  • Data Performance
  • Quality
  • Approved Mental Health Practitioner’s (AMHP)
  • Forensic services
  • Deputies
  • Principal Social Worker

Grade: RSMA + MS

Salary: £97,286 – £111,863

Contact details

Tel: Contact Centre 0118 937 3787

Address: Civic Offices, Bridge Street, Reading, RG1 2LU

Last updated on 01/05/2024