Schedule of conditions for a temporary traffic regulation order/notice

Standard Conditions

  1. The Licensee must contact all relevant utility companies to obtain responses regarding the presence of any apparatus in the vicinity of the proposed area of works. A list of utility companies, statutory undertakers, to be consulted is attached.
  2. The Licensee or the person working on their behalf must ensure, at all times, that no damage occurs to any apparatus belonging to any statutory undertaker, and access to their plant must be allowed at all times.
  3. The Licensee or the person undertaking the work on their behalf must comply with any directions given in writing by Reading Borough Council (the Council) regarding the erection and maintenance of traffic signs in connection with the deposit or excavation.
  4. The Licensee must ensure that the obstruction or excavation is properly fenced and adequately lit at all times in accordance with the New Roads & Street Works Act 1991 Code of Practice.
  5. If the licensee fails to comply with any direction given verbally or in writing by the Council, and the Council is then required to undertake the necessary works, including reinstatement, all costs associated with the works will be payable by the Licensee.
  6. All supervisors and operatives must hold a street works qualification register (SWQR) card for the tasks they are undertaking.
  7. The Licensee shall indemnify the Council against any claim in respect of injury, damage, loss, or third-party claims with respect to the deposit or excavation.
  8. The minimum amount of insurance cover will be £10,000,000 (ten million pounds) in respect of any one claim and an unlimited number of claims.
  9. The Licensee shall regulate the works to minimize obstruction to vehicular and pedestrian traffic. Traffic management plans and the associated application forms should be completed and returned to the Council if a Temporary Traffic Regulation Order under section 14 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act is required. If a Temporary Order is required, sufficient notice should be provided in accordance with the Traffic Management Act 2004.
  10. There will be four inspections carried out at the following stages:
  • (i) Prior to works commencing
  • (ii) During the progress of the work
  • (iii) At the completion of the works
  • (iv) At the end of the maintenance period

11. The Council has the right to withdraw any license issued if any of these conditions are not adhered to.

Last updated on 20/11/2024