Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan
Our Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP), developed in partnership with Wokingham and West Berkshire Councils and a sub-strategy to our emerging Reading Transport Strategy 2036, sets out ambitious plans to transform our streets and encourage more people to choose cycling and walking for local journeys, or as part of longer multimodal journeys. This live strategy is the first iteration of the LCWIP and will continue to be updated periodically throughout the 10 year plan period.
Our objectives for the LCWIP have been developed in line with the themes of our emerging LTP4 and the ambitions set out in Central Government’s Cycling and Walking Investment Strategy.
Creating a clean and green Reading
Enhance cycling and walking networks, so they are clean and green and people feel safe and happy to cycle and walk for local journeys or as part of longer multi-modal journeys.
Supporting healthy lifestyles
Encourage people of all ages and abilities to make healthy lifestyle choices by making cycling and walking the natural choice and offer support through the delivery of initiatives and campaigns promoting the benefits of active travel and the transition to cycling and walking.
Enabling sustainable and inclusive growth
Provide well connected cycling and walking routes linking to key destinations, such as employment centres, local centres, schools and health services to support inclusive growth and reduce congestion.
Connecting people and places
Provide safe, attractive and well connected cycling and walking routes linking residential areas, employment sites and transport interchanges, so people can travel to the places they need to get to more easily.
Embracing smart solutions
Integrate smart solutions into cycling and walking facilities to help us travel faster, cleaner and safer.
We will aim to achieve our vision by:
- reducing the number of cars travelling into the town centre
- increasing the proportion of adults walking at least 3 times per week
- increasing the proportion of adults cycling at least 3 times per week
- increasing the number of people walking and cycling to the town centre
- reducing the number of cyclists and pedestrians injured on our roads
- increasing the number of schools with the Modeshift STARS accreditation to promote children cycling and walking to school
Local cycling and walking infrastructure plan
Appendix B – methodology outputs
Appendix C – network plan for cycling
Appendix D – cycling route audits
Appendix E – network plan for walking
Appendix F – walking route audits
Appendix G – prioritised list of cycling and walking measures
Appendix H – cycle forum requested schemes list