Policies – cars

The following are the aspects of our policies that affect driving.

Policy RTS4 – Development Control

4.2: We will work with developers to secure land for transport infrastructure where required.

4.3: New developments will be required to demonstrate how they will deliver healthy streets, and provide connection to new and existing facilities, making a positive contribution to the walking, cycling and public transport network and supporting sustainable and low-carbon travel.

Policy RTS6 – Smart Solutions and Innovation

6.1: We will embrace the latest technologies to improve the efficiency and resilience of the transport network for the benefit of our residents.

6.4: We will utilise ‘big data’ and data analytics, where available, to facilitate informed decision-making to allow us to take actions resulting in real reductions in carbon, other environmental benefits and health and wellbeing benefits for local communities.

Policy RTS12 – Connected and Autonomous Vehicles

12.1: We will monitor the development of Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CAVs), in particular Shared Autonomous Vehicles (SAVs), and seek to implement feeder services to the BRT and use SAVs on the BRT as technology, legislation and costs align.

12.2: We will future proof the transport network for emerging and unknown technologies such as CAVs, by reallocating road space to public transport, and other forms of sustainable transport.

Policy RTS13 – Healthy Streets and Quiet Traffic Areas

13.1: We will encourage the creation of healthy streets in Reading, to improve air quality, reduce congestion and help make our communities healthier, greener and more attractive places to live, work, learn and play.

13.2: We will reallocate road space away from the private car, to provide healthier streets and encourage more sustainable, active modes of travel.

13.3: We will create Quiet Traffic Areas in residential areas to reduce through traffic, slow traffic speeds, increase opportunity for social interaction and improve the quality of life for residents.

Policy RTS17 – Network Management

17.1: We will maximise the performance of our network and manage our network to aid the movement of people, prioritising sustainable transport.

17.2: We will report on the current and forecast levels of traffic in Reading, and publish targets to reduce traffic growth.

17.3: We will increase monitoring of our transport network to inform transport schemes and policies.

Policy RTS18 – Road Safety

18.1: We will take action to improve road safety for all and to further reduce fatalities and injuries on our network.

18.2: We will improve the safety of vulnerable road users through a combination of measures, including infrastructure enhancements set out in the Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan.

18.3: We will support and promote education programmes and road safety campaigns, particularly those that better protect vulnerable road users.

18.4: We will monitor accident data and transport safety developments to identify where we can deliver improvements to road safety.

Policy RTS19 – Streetworks

19.1: We will continue to actively engage with statutory undertakers to co-ordinate streetworks within Reading and reduce the potential impact of these.

19.2: We will investigate methods to improve the management of streetworks, such as permit and charging schemes, to provide access to the transport network.

19.3: We will seek to improve the accuracy and accessibility of streetworks information for all users of the road and footways, including suitable diversion routes when required.

Policy RTS20 – Parking

20.1: We will manage the parking provision across the Borough, in public car parks, on- street parking and across new developments, to influence sustainable travel choices, encourage sustainable patterns for travel and provide for those who are less mobile.

20.2: We will investigate new technologies and systems to improve the efficiency of kerbside usage, and implement these if effective.

Policy RTS21 – Enforcement

21.1:We will enforce traffic and parking restrictions in Reading, to improve the effectiveness of our infrastructure, prioritise sustainable modes, improve road safety and reduce carbon emissions.

Policy RTS22 – Demand Management

22.1: We will develop demand management measures to reduce congestion and improve the quality of life of our residents and prepare a supporting business case to implement potential schemes.

22.2: Demand management measures to reduce traffic will be complemented by measures to increase capacity for travel by sustainable modes.

22.3: We will reinvest revenue generated by demand management measures in sustainable transport solutions as set out in the ‘Our Schemes and Initiatives’ chapter.

22.4: Any demand management measures will be developed with equalities as a key focus.

Policy RTS23 – Motorcycles and Powered Two-Wheelers

23.1: We will continue to work in partnership with the police, motorcyclists’ representatives and motorcycle outlets to promote best practice in road safety and education for users of PTWs.

23.2: We will continue to provide suitable levels of parking provision in key destinations.

Policy RTS24 – Freight and Sustainable Distribution

24.1: We will work with operators to support the efficient movement of freight, improving reliability and journey times of deliveries and minimise impact of freight transport on the local road network, whilst also supporting deliveries to the local economy.

24.2: We will work with operators to support the delivery of freight consolidation centres, to improve efficiency and reduce the number of last-mile delivery trips within Reading.

24.3: We will work with operators to explore and support more sustainable delivery methods, such as cargo bikes and electric micro-vehicles, for the last mile delivery.

24.4: We will work with operators to encourage use of low or zero emission vehicles for deliveries.

Policy RTS25 – Highways Asset Management

25.1: We will maintain our transport infrastructure to a high standard, and deliver essential improvements to meet the demands of residents, local businesses and visitors.

25.2: We will seek to deploy new technologies where they can be implemented to improve the efficiency of our maintenance services and reduce costs.

Policy RTS26 – Sustainable Drainage (SUDS) and Surface Water Management

26.1: We will incorporate SUDS and surface water management into our requirements for transport schemes.

Policy RTS29 – Ultra-Low Emission Vehicles

29.1: We will develop a Reading-wide approach to facilitate and encourage the switch from combustion engine vehicles to electric and other zero emission vehicles by Reading’s residents, businesses, and visitors.

29.2: We will work with private operators to enter in to agreements to provide charging facilities at key locations throughout the borough.

29.3: Where appropriate, we will fast-track electric vehicle charging installations, to allow infrastructure provision to keep up with demand.

29.4: We will develop and implement a policy for appropriate, equitable and disability- aware provision across the borough.

29.5: We will strive for a renewable energy source for charging infrastructure on Council land or highway by 2030.

29.6: We will respond flexibly to fast-paced and changing technologies within the EV and other zero emissions vehicles sectors.

29.7: We will require appropriate proportions of any vehicle parking provided at new developments to be for zero emission vehicles.

Last updated on 18/09/2023