Electric vehicle charging

The issue   

Reading has declared a climate emergency and needs to support the switch to low carbon vehicles. 

Reading has poor air quality due to the amount of traffic. Most vehicles on the roads in Reading are not low or no emission vehicles.  

Currently there are limited electric vehicle charging points in Reading. As the government will ban the sale of new petrol and diesel cars from 2030, we think the number of electric vehicles in Reading will increase before this. 

A lot of housing in Reading does not have off-street parking. This creates an additional challenge in providing electric vehicle charging. 

The scheme   

Ways this scheme will affect car drivers include:  

  • Installation of on-street charge points 
  • Installation of charge points in council car parks 
  • Finding possible charge points near local amenities, hospitals, visitor attractions, transport hubs and highway corridors 
  • Embed capacity for EV charging into future schemes and policies

The outcome   

  • Reduced vehicle operating costs 
  • Reading residents will be supported in switching to electric vehicles 
  • Improved air quality 
Last updated on 15/09/2023