Public transport

The Local Transport Strategy 2040 includes policies for improving bus, rail and private hire vehicles, to encourage more people to choose this way to travel. It also covers future planning to include Mobility as a Service and autonomous vehicles.  

The schemes we are working on include: 

  • creating more bus lanes to make bus travel times more reliable 
  • creating more Park and Ride hubs and improving the existing ones 
  • upgrades and enhancements to railway stations 

Reading Station is one of the busiest in the country. The station upgrade in 2015 helped with capacity issues. The Elizabeth Line, which opened in May 2022, takes passengers from Reading, through the centre of London, to the east of London.  

Reading is also planned to benefit from the Western Rail Link to Heathrow and the high speed rail line (HS2).  

Reading Buses use environmentally friendly vehicles and offer high quality, frequent and accessible travel. Bus lanes have been used to prioritise buses on some routes in Reading. This could be used on other roads to improve the reliability of bus travel and make it a more attractive option.

Last updated on 05/06/2024