Connecting neighbourhoods – walking and cycling

The issue

There is a need for people to move between residential areas, employment and leisure areas. Currently this is not easy for walkers or cyclists, which leads to more people choosing to drive. By working on appealing alternatives to car travel, we can reduce the need for cars to drive into the town centre.

People walking along a pathway next to the River Thames.

The scheme

Enhancements to walking and cycling in this scheme include:

  • Reallocation of road space to walking and cycling
  • New and improved pedestrian and cycle routes, including wider, more accessible routes, and new and upgraded crossings
  • Increase in capacity at active travel points
  • Traffic signal upgrades
  • Safety enhancements
  • Removal of excessive street furniture
  • Increased landscaping and vegetation

The outcome

Increased capacity for alternatives to car travel around Reading, leading to better air quality.

Last updated on 15/09/2023