Micro-mobility hire scheme

The issue  

Reading does not currently have a bike or scooter hire scheme. We are looking into a new hire scheme. The existing infrastructure will be upgraded to encourage more cycle and scooter trips around the town. 

Man with a rucksack and helmet on an electric scooter.

The scheme  

Enhancements in this scheme include:  

  • Provision of a new cycle hire scheme 
  • Develop a hire fleet of e-bikes and e-scooters 
  • Provision of more docking stations to improve affordable access to cycling across Reading

The outcome  

  • Micro-mobility hire hubs will increase access to jobs, education and leisure
  • Increased cycling connectivity will complement other transport options 
  • Allows people who do not own a bike, e-bike or e-scooter to try it out 
  • Giving the option of e-bikes and e-scooters may encourage people who would not normally cycle to use them 
  • Improved air quality 
Last updated on 15/09/2023