Road safety schemes – walking and cycling

The issue  

Further progress needs to be made to road safety in the borough, especially to improve the safety of vulnerable road users and to remove pinch points that can lead to dangerous driver behaviour.  

Cycle and pedestrian entry onto Talfourd Avenue with no entry markings on the road for cars.

The scheme  

Enhancements to walking and cycling in this scheme include:  

  • Improved crossings 
  • Removal of street clutter 
  • Introduction of rest areas for pedestrians and cyclists 
  • Cutting back of vegetation
  • Reduced speed zones 
  • Resurfacing 
  • Lighting and CCTV

The outcome  

  • Attractive journey times for active travel 
  • Improved public space leading to less reliance on cars and better air quality 
Last updated on 15/09/2023