Transport corridor multi-modal enhancements – walking and cycling
The issue
The highway corridors are the key routes into and out of the town centre. The amount of traffic and lack of high-quality infrastructure for walkers and cyclists leads to active transport being seen as unattractive.
The scheme
Enhancements to walking and cycling in this scheme include:
- Reallocation of road space to walking and cycling
- Introduction of pedestrian and cyclist rest areas
- Traffic signal upgrades
- Safety enhancements
- Removal of excessive street furniture
- Increased landscaping and vegetation
The outcome
- Increased walking and cycling levels through enhanced user experience, including improved safety, reduced delay and better accessibility
- Additional priority for sustainable modes will be made for key corridors in the borough, particularly close to residential areas such as Oxford Road
Last updated on 15/09/2023
Transport corridor multi-modal enhancements – walking and cycling