Street cleaning
We clean the streets regularly, and every day in the centre of town. Contact us and we may be able to clean private roads. There is a charge for this service.
Cleaning issues
You can use Love Clean Reading app to report:
- litter
- fly-tipping
- graffiti or fly-posting
- dead animals or dog mess
- vomit or blood
- broken streetlights or street furniture
Contact our street cleaning team if you find syringes or needles. Call the emergency services if you think the issue is causing immediate danger.
Leaf clearance
We are responsible for keeping the streets and pavements free from leaves during autumn.
Throughout November and December we deploy teams dedicated to leaf clearance. The teams consist of a variety of mechanised and manual sweepers.
Priority is given to the following:
- streets and footpaths with many mature trees
- areas with a high pedestrian use
- land which is prone to flooding
Please be patient if there has been a rapid fall of leaves during windy weather. It is not possible to sweep every street immediately.
Last updated on 06/12/2024
Street cleaning